012  If 假設語氣 – 2   (萬一 不可能發生)



[未來 - 萬一]  

If + S1 + should + 動詞原形 + …,

S2 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …  OR

S2 + (will/can/may/shall) + 動詞原形 + …  OR



[未來 - 不可能發生]  

If + S1 + were to + 動詞原形 + …,

              S2 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …



1.  假如萬一有什麼緊急事發生,我會首先讓你知道。

     If something urgent should happen, I would let you know first.

2. 假如天會塌下來,地球就會繞著月亮轉

     If the sky were to fall, the earth would go around the moon.





2.  假如太陽從西邊升起,她就會嫁給你。   


3.  假如人類可以活到二百歲,所有的動物都會說話。




5. 我們的公司已經虧損數年,假如它可以轉虧為盈,我將會繼續留在公司



012  If 假設語氣 – 2   (萬一 不可能發生)


[未來 - 萬一

If + S1 + should + 動詞原形 + …,

S2 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …  OR

S2 + (will/can/may/shall) + 動詞原形 + …  OR



[未來 - 不可能發生]  

If + S1 + were to + 動詞原形 + …,

              S2 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …



1.  假如萬一有什麼緊急事發生,我會首先讓你知道。

     If something urgent should happen, I would let you know first.

2. 假如天會塌下來,地球就會繞著月亮轉

     If the sky were to fall, the earth would go around the moon.




     If a war should break out, tens of millions of innocent people would die.


2.  假如太陽從西邊升起,她就會嫁給你。   

     If the sun were to rise in the west, she would marry you.


3.  假如人類可以活到二百歲,所有的動物都會說話。

     If humans were to live to be two hundred years old, all animals could speak.

     If humans were to live two hundred years, all animals could speak.



     If there were to be aliens in the universe, there would be aliens on the Sun.


5. 我們的公司已經虧損數年,假如它可以轉虧為盈,我將會繼續留在公司

     Our company has been in the red from years.  If it were to turn black from red, I will keep on staying at the company. 



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