
017  Wish 假設語氣    




sb + wishes/wished + S1 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …



sb + wishes/wished + S1 + were (be動詞) + …,

sb + wishes/wished + S1 + 過去式 (一般動詞) + …,



Sb + wishes/wished + S1 + 過去完成式 + …,


If only … = sb + wish(es) …


1.  大家都希望明天不要下雨   (預測未來)

     We all wish (that) it wouldn’t rain tomorrow.  


2.  世界各國政府都希望經濟快一點開始復甦    (預測未來)

     The government in every country all over the world wishes worldwide economy would begin to recover quickly. 


3.  Maria不高她希望她能長高一點    (與現在事實相反)

     Maria is not tall.  She wishes she could grow a bit taller.


4.  Lincoln很窮,他希望能中樂透第一特獎   (預測未來)

     Lincoln is very poor.  He wishes he could win first prize of the Lottery.


5.  每個人都希望在二年前房價飆升之前就買一間公寓。  (與過去事實相反)

     Everyone wishes they had bought an apartment before the housing price soared two years ago.


6.  Kenneth希望研究所畢業後可以進入TSMCHon Hai   (預測未來)

     Kenneth wishes he might get into TSMS or Hon Hai after graduation from graduate school.



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