文法附加問句 (Tag Question)



[ 助動詞 + not ]的縮寫

am not = aren’t or ain’t        am not = aren’t                    is not = isn’t 

has not = hasn’t                    had not = hadn’t                   do not = don’t      

does not = doesn’t              did not = didn’t                    shall not = shan’t 

will not = won’t                    should not = shouldn’t       would not = wouldn’t can not = can’t      could not = couldn’t                              may not = mayn’t

might not = mightn’t           must not = mustn’t              need not = needn’t

dare not = daren’t               ought not = oughtn’t


附加問句常用在英式英語美式英語較英式英語用得少。倒是美式英語常用[ OK? ][ right? ]當附加問句,如以下例句:

1)   Give me some water, OK?

2)   You can ring me tomorrow, OK?

3)   He will join us to go hiking, right?

4)   She has to turn in her report this Wed, right?



1)   We are happy and cheerful, aren’t we?

2)   Her sister will go swimming with us, won’t she?

3)   That is a nice car, isn’t it?

4)   These pictures are drawn by Veronica, aren’t they?

5)   To talk is easier than to do, isn’t it?

6)   Studying English is hard, isn’t it?

7)   There is someone in this building, isn’t there?

8)   There isn’t anyone in your room, is there?

9)   The tall man over there is our new English teacher, isn’t he?

(來源 : 98年國中第2次基測第3)

10)    Nothing is wrong, is it?

11)    Everything is fine, isn’t it?

12)    Everyone will go to Daren’s party, won’t they?

13)    Nobody wants to go swimming this afternoon, do they?

14)    I am listening to the music, am I not?

         = I am listening to the music, aren’t I?

         = I am listening to the music, ain’t I?


1)   [ this, that ]當主詞時,其附加問句的主詞要用[ it ],請參考例句3

2)   [ these, those ]當主詞時,其附加問句的主詞要用[ they ],請參考例句4

3)   不定詞或動名詞當主詞時,其附加問句的主詞要用[ it ],請參考例句56

4)   [ there ]當虛主詞時,其附加問句的主詞還是用[ there ],請參考例句78

5)   [ nothing, everything, something, … ]當主詞時,其附加問句的主詞要用[ it ],請參考例句1011

6)   [ someone, somebody, none, no one, nobody, … ]當主詞時,其附加問句的主詞要用[ they ],請參考例句1213



1)   We aren’t sure of it, are we?

2)   They should do their best, shouldn’t they?

3)   Your brother has lots of friends in Taipei, hasn’t he?

(Your brother has lots of friends in Taipei, doesn’t he?)

4)   You had a good time, didn’t you?

5)   Your mom and sister went shopping, didn’t they?

6)   We have to call your friend now, don’t we?

7)   We had better do our best, don’t we?


1)   當動詞是[ have/has to ][ had better ]時,其附加問句的詞要用[ do/does ],請參考例句67



1)   Come to my place immediately, will you?

2)   Come to meet me at once, won’t you?

3)   Don’t touch it, will you?

4)   Let’s take a walk, shall we?

5)   Let’s go shopping tonight, shall we?

6)   Let me play pingpong, will you?    

7)   Let him do it, will you?

8)   Let’s not go swimming, O.K.?

9)   Let’s not play in the music room, all right?

10)    Show me your ID, can you?

11)    Give me your explanation, could you?


1)   第二人稱[ you ]引導的肯定祈使句,其附加問句通常要用[ will you ],請參考例句1。也有用[ won’t you ],表示更客氣或期待,請參考例句2。也有人使用[ can you ][ could you ],請參考例句1011

2)   否定祈使句,其附加問句要用[ will you ],請參考例句3

3)   [ Let’s = Let us ]引導的肯定祈使句,其附加問句要用[ shall we ],請參考例句45

4)   [ Let ]引導的肯定祈使句,所接的代名詞不是[ us ]時,其附加問句要用[ will you ],請參考例句67

5)   [ Let ]引導的否定祈使句,其附加問句要用[ O.K. ][ all right ],請參考例句89



1)   Students in Taiwan never feel tired of doing their assignments, do they?

2)   You seldom take a break during working hours in the office, do you?

3)   They knew nothing about our secret, did they?

4)   The makeup could hardly satisfy her desire to be a beauty, could it?

5)   My little brother is too young to drive a car, isn’t he?

6)   Peter is a weird guy. He often refuses to cooperate with others, doesn’t he?


1)   否定的詞類有never, seldom, hardly, barely, rarely, nothing等。

2)   上述第5個例句,[ too … to … ]的句型雖然是[以致於不能 …],但它不是否定意思的句子。

3)   6個例句雖然有[ refuse ]這個字,但它不是否定意思的句子。



1)   Harry plays basketball, doesnt he?

      a)   Yes, he does. (He plays basketball.)

            No, he does. ( X )

      b)   No, he doesnt. (He doesnt play basketball.)

            Yes, he doesnt. ( X )

2)   Belinda cant speak Japanese fluently, can she?

      a)   Yes, she can. (She can speak Japanese fluently.)

            No, she can. ( X )

      b)   No, she cant. (She cant speak Japanese fluently.)

            Yes, she cant. ( X )


1)   不管附加問句是肯定或否定,可以用[ Yes ][ No ]回答。

2)   假若回答是[ Yes ],後面不能用否定的簡答。

3)   假若回答是[ No ],後面不能用肯定的簡答。



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