英文大考常考題 - 34 [ 強調句]
It was the fingerprint on the window ________ the police to arrest the thief.
(A) who enabled (B) to enable (C) who was enabled (D) that enabled
這題答案是 (D)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二基隆女中試題 p.110)
1. 是強調句的話,這個句子原來的寫法是:
The fingerprint on the window enabled the police to arrest the thief.
= It was the fingerprint on the window that enabled the police to arrest the thief. (強調[the finger on the window])
1) My son wrote an e-mail to me last week.
= It was my son that wrote an e-mail to me last week.
= It was an e-mail that my son wrote to me last week.
2) She is going to Tokyo next Monday.
= It is Tokyo that she is go to next Monday.
= It is next Monday that she is going to Tokyo.