英文大考常考題 – 38 [ the following當主詞]
… Winners receive no prize money, but many of them attend the ceremony at their expense. Interestingly enough, the award is given by a genuine Nobel laureate. The following ________ a list of award-winning research that is hardly noticed at first…
(A) are (B) is (C) were (D) was
這題答案是 (B)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二虎尾高中試題 p.113)
這題的重點是[ the following ]當主詞,其後是要接單數型動詞還是複數型動詞。
1. [ the following ]是主詞的時候,其後的動詞是單數型或者是複數型,取決於後面的名詞是單數還是複數。後面的名詞是單數,它的動詞是單數型;後面的名詞是複數,它的動詞是複數型。
1) The following are terms and conditions of our contact with Apple Inc.
2) Following are two examples which were given by our math teacher.
3) The following is an explanation about his absence.
4) The following are a series of questions.