英文大考常考題 – 41 [ 關係代名詞與關係副詞 ]
Voice recognition technology, or VRT, is a dynamic process ________ computers convert spoken input into text, which is then used as commands. Some devices, including cell phones, are already equipped with VRT. However, the overall accuracy …
(A) where (B) which (C) how (D) whenever
這題答案是 (A)。 (三民書局 英文四自學手冊B – p.128)
1. 關係代名詞在關係子句中,不是當作主詞就是當作受詞。而題目中已經有主詞[ computers ]與受詞[ spoken input ],所以答案不會是關係代名詞[ which ]。
[ whenever ]、[ how ]與[ where ]都是關係副詞。若是[ whenever ],整個句子的意思不通順。若是[ how ],應該是指方法,是指如何,而[ process ]是過程或步驟。[ where ]指的是在這過程或步驟中[ in which = in the process ],電腦把[ spoken input ]轉換成[ text ],意思通順。