英文大考常考題 - 43 [ 對等連接詞 and ]
Valentine’s Day falls on the 14th of February. It is viewed as the most romantic holiday of the year. It is the day on which we remind our loved ones of the love … Generally speaking, the perfect gift is thought to be a heart-shaped box of chocolates and a dozen red roses ________ a candlelit dinner at top-notch restaurant.
(A) stop off at (B) along with (C) go with (D) come with
這題答案是 (B)。 (學習出版 高三英文克漏字測驗 – p.2 延平高中試題)
這題的重點在對等連接詞[ and ]:
1. 在使用對等連接詞[ and ]的時候,它是連接對等的[ 甲 ]與[ 乙 ]。[ 甲 ]是an heart-shaped box of chocolates,它是名詞片語,所以[ 乙 ]也會是名詞片語。假若答案是選( A )、( C )、( D ),[ 乙 ]就變成子句,這樣[ 甲 ]與[ 乙 ] 就不對等,所以只有( B )會讓[ 乙 ]成為名詞片語。