006   with + 受詞 + 受詞補語

受詞補語 形容詞、p.pverb-ing、副詞、介系詞片語、不定詞片語



1.     With the door open, I can hear the music playing in my room while I am having lunch.  (形容詞)

2.    With the door shut, Katy can talk to me privately in her room about some issues happening to her.  (p.p.)      

3.   With their hands waving us goodbye, he and his wife got on the train.  (verb-ing)

4.    With the lights on, I can see things clearly.  (副詞)

5.    With an iPhone on her hand, she gave us a strong and deep impression showing us that her family is rich.  (介系詞片語)

6.     With all these variables to consider, then how can we know which one is the most important?  (不定詞片語)




1)     燈沒開,我們看不見任何東西。


2)    那位老頭翹著二郎腿跟他孫子說話。     


3)    沒有任何錢剩下,她向她哥哥求助


4)    風如此強烈,很難捉穩雨傘




006   with + 受詞 + 受詞補語

受詞補語 形容詞、p.pverb-ing、副詞、介系詞片語、不定詞片語



1.     With the door open, I can hear the music playing in my room while I am having lunch.  (形容詞)

2.    With the door shut, Katy can talk to me privately in her room about some issues happening to her.  (p.p.)      

3.   With their hands waving us goodbye, he and his wife got on the train.  (verb-ing)

4.    With the lights on, I can see things clearly.  (副詞)

5.    With an iPhone on her hand, she gave us a strong and deep impression showing us that her family is rich.  (介系詞片語)

6.     With all these variables to consider, then how can we know which one is the most important?  (不定詞片語)




1)     燈沒開,我們看不見任何東西。

        With the lights off, we couldn't see anything.


2)    那位老頭翹著二郎腿跟他孫子說話。   

        With his legs crossed, the old man talked to his grandchildren.


3)    沒有任何錢剩下,她向她哥哥求助

        Without any money left, she turned to her brother for help.


4)    風如此強烈,很難捉穩雨傘

                With the wind so gusty, it was difficult to hold the umbrella steady.


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