商用英文寫作 - Impact of Global Warming


Impact of Global Warming


Global warming is the most important issue nowadays.  But, at first, it seemed that nobody cared about it.  Not until the impact of global warming becomes more obvious and serious did people start to be aware of its urgency.


Global warming has deep impact on our earth's climate and leads to many problems.  For example, the ice in the North Pole has melted strikingly recently, which may result in the extinction of polar bears.  Then, due to the rising of sea level, the small islands and low-elevated countries will disappear gradually and quietly in the future.  In order to prevent the impact of global warming from being even more tremendous and much worse, we should go to extraordinary lengths to deal with it to protect our posterity and earth.


There are some basic and effective ways to slow down its impact.  We can take buses or ride bikes instead of driving cars or scooters.  We can turn lights and faucets off when we are not at home.  And, maybe, someday solar energy can replace fossil fuel.  With the combination of collective and consistent efforts, I believe the global warming will grind to a halt.


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