
英文大考常考題 - 48  [ 關係子句的句首有不定量詞 ]



John McLaughlin was suffering from a strange disease.  He was admitted to a hospital and stayed there for about a week.  His doctor felt confused because he and his colleagues couldn’t figured out what the cause of John’s sickness was, even though they had run all kinds of tests.  Trying his best, the doctor prescribed two drugs, _____ of which worked on John, who now began to feel scared and helpless.  John also thought the atmosphere of the hospital was too serious.  In fact, his doctor was …


(A) neither       (B) both      (C) all       (D) nor



這題答案是 (A)  (龍騰文化 挑戰高中英文學測週計劃複習講義 p.96)



1.   這題與英文大考常考題的第2題有點相類似。關係子句的句首有不定量詞的時候,做主詞或受詞的句首要包含關係代名詞,這題中[ _____ of which ]已經有關係代名詞[ which ]。再來這個子句是否定的,所以刪去(B)(C),空格內一定是名詞,[ nor ]是連接詞,而[ neither ]可以是代名詞,答案就是(A)



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