英文大考常考題 – 54   [不定代名詞與關係子句 ]的用法



… Adventuring on your own will require you to use your imagination and to be creative.  You will need to plan where to visit, what to see, and who to talk to, all of _____ are things that will make your trip memorable.  Moreover, if you like a place, you can stay longer; if you don’t like a place, you can just leave quickly.  Adventuring on your own eventually pays off because you will get the vital sense that you have really been there.


(A) that        (B) these      (C) which      (D) what   



這題答案是 (C)  (龍騰文化 挑戰高中英文學測週計劃複習講義 p.87)

這題的重點是不定代名詞(Indefinite Pronouns)是關係子句的句首:

1. 這題與英文大考常考題的第2題一樣。二個子句連結在一起一定要有連接詞,而且關係子句的句首有不定代名詞(: all, some, one, some, most, many, …)的時候,做主詞或受詞的句首要包含關係代名詞,這樣就具有連接詞的作用,所以[ all of _____ ]空白的地方一定是與連接詞有關的關係代名詞。

      [ that ]是關係代名詞,但關係代名詞[ that ]前面不能有介系詞。

       [ these ]是人稱代名詞。[ what ]是複合關係代名詞[the thing(s) which]。所以只有[ which ]符合條件。

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