文法 – 形容詞子句 (11)
4) how的例句
- This is how Henry finished his homework.
= This is the way in which Henry finished his homework.
(how = in which)
= This is the way that Henry finished his homework.
= This is the way Henry finished his homework.
= This is how Henry finished his homework.
This is the way how Henry finished his homework.
(X – the way後面不能接how)
主要子句: this is the way
形容詞子句: how Henry completed his homework
先行詞: way
- I didn’t know how he solved the problem.
= I didn’t know the way by which he solved the problem.
(how = by which)
= I didn’t know the way he solved the problem.
= I didn’t know he solved the problem. (省略how或the way或that)
I didn’t know the way how he solved the problem.
(X – the way後面不能接how)
主要子句: I didn’t know the way.
形容詞子句: how he solved the problem
先行詞: way
- Eventually, we realized that how he completed the task was very effective.
= Eventually, we realized that the way by which he completed the task was very effective. (how = by which)
= Eventually, we realized that the way that he completed the task was very effective.
= Eventually, we realized that the way he completed the task was very effective.
Eventually, we realized that the way how he completed the task was very effective. (X – the way後面不能接how)
主要子句: we realized
形容詞子句: how he completed the task
先行詞: way
- The way that people talk in anger is different from the way that people talk in delight.
= The way in which people talk in anger is different from the way people talk in delight.
= The way people talk in anger is different from the way people talk in delight.
= How people talk in anger is different from how people talk in delight.
= The way that people talk in anger is different from that in delight.
(that取代第二次的the way that people talk)
[ The way how people talk in anger is different from the way how people talk in delight. ] (X – the way後面不能接how)
形容詞子句: how people talk in anger / delight
先行詞: way
1) 請特別留意省略與取代的例子。
2) that可以取代how。