學測指考英文寫作 – 104年英文學測作文 (by 11th grader)
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104年英文學測作文 (by 11th grader)
Wayne Huang – 11th grader
I'll choose "EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL: Respect Others & Be Yourself," and I guess the book will tell people the importance of how to be themselves instead of jumping into the bandwagon, and respecting others.
The reason why I choose this book is simple. Recently, people tend to follow others and fit what others like. It makes me wonder what makes this phenomenon. I think that it is because they feel strange to those who are different from them. Moreover, when following others, people become the same as them, and when everyone was almost the same , they stop respecting others since they are no different. By reading this book, I hope I'll get the ability to alter myself.
Although the book is beneficial, practicing what the book teaches us is the most important part. The more you respect others and be yourself, the more people will respect you.
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104年英文學測作文 (by 11th grader)
Wayne Huang – 11th grader
I'll choose "EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL: Respect Others & Be Yourself," and I think the book will tell its readers the importance of how to build and maintain mutual respect and to be themselves instead of jumping on the bandwagon and getting lost in fostering their own belief and achieving their goals.
The reason why I choose this book is simple. Recently, people tend to follow others and do what others do. It makes me wonder why and how such a phenomenon comes out. I think that it is because most of the people don't want to be different from others and therefore follow suit.
When following others, people become the same as or similar to others. However, the moment they are peas in a pod, there is no difference among them. As a result, they'll stop respecting others gradually.
By reading the book, I hope it'll remind me of being myself from time to time. Although it is beneficial and useful, practicing what it teaches us seems much more important. The more you respect others, the more you'll be yourself and the more other people will respect you.