022 it is no use 沒有用 there is no doubt 毫無疑問 無庸置疑
句型 - 1: It is no use + (that子句/verb-ing)
句型 - 2: There is no doubt + (that子句/verb-ing/不定詞片語)
1. 說服他不要賭博是沒用的。
It is no use talking him out of gambling.
2. 抱怨太多工作量是沒用的。
It is no use complaining that there is too much workload.
3. 我們沒有懷疑他的誠實與正直。
We have no doubt about his honesty and integrity.
= We don't doubt his honesty and integrity.
There is no doubt that we believe his honesty and integrity.
4. 因為她聰明又努力工作,她獲得升遷是無庸置疑的。
There is no doubt (that) she gets promoted because she is smart and works hard. [ no doubt – 是名詞 ]
= Undoubtedly, she gets promoted because she is smart and works hard.
= No doubt, she gets promoted because she is smart and works hard.
[ no doubt – 是副詞 ]
(上一句是由 [ There is no doubt, she gets promoted because she is smart and works hard. ] 轉變過來 )
= Beyond (a) doubt, she gets promoted because she is smart and works hard.
= Without doubt, she gets promoted because she is smart and works hard.
5. 因為颱風是在海面上形成,帶著大量水氣,它會帶給台灣大量的雨幾乎是無庸置疑的。
There is little doubt (that) each typhoon will bring a lot of rain to Taiwan because it is formed above the ocean and carries a great amount of moisture.
6. Wallace無庸置疑是我們公司最聰明的員工,但他很懶惰。
Wallace is no doubt the smartest student in my class, but he hasn’t spent enough time studying math.
同屬於句型 - 1: It is no use + (that子句/verb-ing)的其他句型:
It is no wonder that ...
It is no surprise that ...
It’s no secret that ...
It’s no coincidence/accident that ...
It’s no use/good + verb-ing
同屬於句型 - 2: There is no doubt + (that子句/verb-ing/不定詞片語)的其他句型:
There is no use/good/point + verb-ing ...
There is no knowing + clause
There is no denying that ...
There’s no point + verb-ing
there’s no denying/question/doubt that ...
There’s no need to verb ...
There’s no choice but to verb ...
there’s no reason to verb ...
there’s no reason why ...
there’s no chance + (that clause / of + noun)