學測指考英文寫作 – School Club Activities  (by 12th grader)


[ 學生原作 ]

School Club Activities (by 12th grader)

Brian Lu – 12th grader


Club activity is one of the joyful moment in a week.  During that time, I am able to chat with friends in different classes, enjoying the fun activity.  Club time plays an important role in my school day.  The club which I join is animation club.  In this club, members share their experience about watching animations, introducing latest animations and listening to animated music.  Occasionally, we would watch animations together during club time, sharing our opinions.


What affects me the most is to introduce latest animation.  I can acquire a lot of information about animation which is worth to watch.  In fact, most of animations that I have watched are introduced by my club mate.  Once, I stood on the stage and share a animation which I’m fond of.  Although I felt a little nervous, I still went on the stage, sharing the information to others.


Club activity is helpful and essential to me.  In the club, I’m able to find friends who have the same hobby as me.  As a the result, it is precious to me to join the club.  In the future, I would stay in this club, creating more and more memories.



[ 修改後 ]

School Club Activities (by 12th grader)

Brian Lu – 12th grader


There are many school clubs in my school.  I have joined Animation Club since I was a tenth grader.  The club has at least one activity every week.  Every time there is an activity, it is the most joyful moment I have in the week.  In the activity, I can chat with classmates from different grades and classes and enjoy having fun.  Club activities play an important role in my school days.  In the club, members are willing to share animated films or manga they watched or knew with each other, introduce the latest releases, and listen to their music.  Occasionally, we watched some animations together quietly, discussing about their plots heatedly, and exchanging our thoughts happily.    


What affects me the most in the club is the introduction of the latest releases of animated films by which I can acquire a lot of information about them.  As a result, I know which one is worth watching.  That most of the animations I have watched are introduced by my club mates comes naturally this way.  Because of being one of Animation Club members, I was once invited to stand on the stage to share one animated movie which I had been fond of.  Although I felt a little nervous then, I still excitedly went on to share what I watched and thought about the movie with the audience.


I believe that school club activities are helpful and essential to me and other students.  Take me as an example.  Owing to joining the club, in addition to knowing a lot of animations I like, I’m able to make friends who have the same hobby as I do, which is really precious for me.  Even till I graduate, I’ll stay in the club keeping more and more wonderful memories.

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