
英文大考常考題 – 61   ( 關係子句簡化用法 )



Research on this contradictory idea that lazy people make up some of the most efficient employees around began early in the 20th century, when Frank Gilbreth Sr. observed a group of bricklayers and the patterns they ______ their work.  Curiously, Gilbreth found that the laziest bricklayers were the most innovative.  They would find the best ways to lay the bricks using the least amount of effort, while still meeting the high standards of quality their job required.

(A) used to complete                             (B) are used to complete

(C) used to completing                           (D) are used to completing


這題答案是 (A)  (2015 Nov 空中美語 實用English Digest p. 5)


這題的重點只是單純[ 關係子句簡化用法 ]

1.    這句的意思是 - Bricklayers用一些patterns來完成他們的工作。

       題目故意用看起來類似的phrases,來讓學生搞糊塗。其實它只是單純關係子句用法,將[the patterns which they used to complete their work]經過簡化成為[the patterns they used to complete their work]


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