Rise  Raise  Arise  Arouse - Rise  上升  升起


Rise 上升 升起    rise / rose / risen

1.  In summer, the sun rises around 5:30 a.m. at my hometown.

2.  Several apartment buildings have been rising in the west of the city during these years

3.  When we walk along the hiking trail near the lake, the ground rises and falls rapidly, which takes us a lot of energy.

4.  The temperature in autumn rises slowly during the daytime but drops sharply at night.

5.  Twenty years ago, I visited Hakone in Japan for the first time and saw the magnificent Mount Fuji rising in the distance.

6.  The recognition of feminism has risen these years, thanks to the effort coming from activists and celebrities.

7.  Although night markets indeed make the earnings of stall owners rise, it is still a shame to see those once popular vanishing in history

8.  During the inflationary period, it is inevitable that there will be a steep rise in prices.  (rise – noun)


Rise 起立 起床

1.  Perry was scared to death because of the darkness and couldn’t rise to his feet. 

2.  It is common that most of the old people rise and go to bed early, just like my grandparents do every day.


Rise 上漲

1.  It is unbelievable that housing price in big cities keeps rising which makes young people can’t afford to buy an apartment, even in their entire life.     

2.  Due to hybrid cars coming out, the oil price declines instead of rising over the past few years.


Rise 變成 經歷成為

1.  If you work for a Japanese company, you’re like to rise to the management level as long as you work hard and loyally for a certain period of time.

2.  Mike entered HP as a software engineer right after he got his master degree.  Because of his outstanding performance, he rose through the ranks to become Marketing Vice President ten years later.


Rise 發酵

1.  If we put a piece of dough on the table for a while in summer, it’ll rise and become bigger.  It is what we call “fermentation.”


    Rise Raise Arise Arouse
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