Can’t help can’t help but 不得不 的用法
以下的[不得不]是常用正確的寫法 -
can’t help doing sth (can’t help + Ving)
can’t help but do sth (can’t help but + VR)
can’t choose but do sth (can’t choose but + VR)
have no choice but to do sth (have no choice but Vto)
have no alternative but to do sth (have no alternative but Vto)
have no option but to do sth (have no option but Vto)
例句 –
1. Since Eric has been awaited Pauline for a long time, he can’t help calling her to see whether there’s something wrong with her.
2. After hearing the sad story, Natalie couldn’t help but burst into tears.
3. Joe can’t choose but study harder for fear that he can’t pass the final exam.
4. It is very difficult for my cousin, a 10-year-old boy, to solve algebra problems. If it happens to him, he has no choice but to give up halfway.
[註一] 在第一個例句中(can’t help + calling)中(help)是動詞,動詞後面要接受詞。受詞一定是名詞,所以碰到動詞(call),就要以動名詞形式出現(calling),因而(can’t help + Ving)。
[註二] 在第二個例句中(can’t help but + VR)與(can’t choose but + VR)是以對等連接詞(not A but B)來連結。那就是說A為原形動詞(help),B也是為原形動詞(burst)。
[註三] 在第四個例句中的(but)也是對等連接詞,A是(he has no choice),B是(he has to give up halfway),經過簡化成為 (to give up halfway)。
但沒有以下[不得不]的寫法的 -
can’t select but
can’t opt but