翰林  G11-2    L7     Save the Louve   (附答案)   Q    



1.  As the d_____y of her father, Kara managed well both her father’s business and her own artistic pursuit.  Such a capable person!

2.  The daytime will be l_____ned in summer, and there will be even midnight sun in the two poles.

3.  Although the spider is generally considered as a kind of insect, it is actually c_____fied to be a type of animal.

4.  What is truly v_____e is usually priceless even though the world will always like to put a price on it.

5.  That she will do it for you is not because she owes you but because your sister once helped her r_____ding her social study project.

6.  Jack is now gravely wanted by the King.  Whoever tells the King Jack’s w_____ts will be bountifully rewarded.

7.  Although boundless imagination is undoubtedly great, we sometimes do need to limit it in a f_____e and thus let it be structured in a solid form.

8.  After hundreds of years, as the sculpture has been worn away seriously, it is now extremely f_____e.

9.  Is it possible that the cargo was t_____ted to another port? After all, things as huge as a cargo won’t just disappear - it must be somewhere.

10.  The plants usually grow v_____ly.  Yet, sometimes, when they are under the shadow of buildings or taller trees, they will need to stretch out h_____ly for the light.

11.   The police r_____ned the financial records of the company for the investigation of the prime minister’s corruption case.

12.  The a_____ces always have the top priority in the right of way, as they are dealing with life’s urgencies.

13.  When Danny moves to his new home, he has so many luggage that five v_____ns are needed for transporting all of them.

14.  In comparison to what Layna had done to Kara, what Frank did was, in fact, m_____r. However, what is wrong is wrong; that is not negotiable.

15.  Ivan’s i_____ded act of making himself as a fool, though being rum and obvious, still makes Karen laughs again.

16.  A: “Where are you heading for?” B: “My vacation d_____n for this summer will be Hawaii. I’ve always loved the ocean there.”

17.  As the enemy has i____ded our neighbor country, a deadly threat is posed right in front of us.

18.  Every country’s health a_____y has been required to deal with a lot of tough and difficult problems caused by COVID-19 since 2020.


1.  As one of the ______ in Taiwan, Taipei 101 welcomes tourists all over the world.  It is also generally considered to be a symbolic icon representing the country.  However, if we truly spend some time in Taiwan, we can find that there are much more amazing spots here.   (M)

     A) hot spots              B) star attractions     C) hot attractions          D) star spots

2.  She packs up all her belongings and _____ all her painting collections_____ the humidity control box carefully.

     A) places; into           B) throw; into           C) place; onto                D) throw; onto

3.  Hannah _____ her sleeves and is ready for the game.  She has been waiting for this moment for years, and nothing can stop her now.

     A) rolls out               B) rolls over               C) rolls back                   D) rolls up

4.  The ship _____ from Sydney is now around London.  It will be on schedule, and everything is so far still in our control.

     A) setting out           B) starting up            C) starting out                D) setting up

5.  People _____ is now expecting for the next breakthrough in producing a better version of COVID-19 vaccines.    (M)

     A) all over the world                                    B) all around the world 

     C) everywhere around the world                 D) everywhere over the world

6.  Don’t you ever _____ my books!  I will never forget what happened to the pens I lent you last time.   (M)

     A) place your hand on                                 B) get your hands at     

     C) place your hand at                                   D) get your hands on

     E) lay your hand at                                       F) put your hands on

7.  As a person who profoundly believes in science, I will not be convinced by your gibberish.  My cookies _____, and there must had to be a shameless thief who ate them all.     

     A) evaporate away                                       B) have been evaporated away

     C) have not spirited away                             D) were not spirited away

8.  The rescue team kept searching for the survivors of the tsunami _____, yet the number of  the survivors was still very limited.   (M)

     A) here and there                                         B) from place to place

     C) from here to there                                   D) place by place

9. I have no intention to play this _____ with you. I just want to get the problems solved, so come out and make a deal!

     A) bet of cat and mouse                              B) game of cat and mouse

     C) game of wolf and sheep                           D) bet of wolf and sheep

10.  I almost left my keys at home.  But _____ your reminding call, and I went back and picked up them before I got too far.   (M)

       A) owing to                 B) owe to                     C) thanks to              D) ought to

       E) with view to             F) on account of

11.   “There are _____ competitors on your ways to the championship.  Are you sure you want to challenge this tournament?” “Yes, coach, I’ve made up my mind!”   (M)

       A) a plenty of         B) enormous of         C) a lot                           D) hundreds of  

       E) plenty of             F) crammed with       G) lots of                        H) varieties of   

12.  Choose the correct ones.  (M)

       A) For the last few years, he has been dedicated to take care of the abandoned baby penguins.   

       B) She had been studying at home during the entire summer vacation, since she failed her exam.  Such a poor kid!

       C) Amy was kidnapped. After being aware of her own position, she had tried using every method to tell her friends where she was over the last 24 hours.

       D) For her regime, Queen Victoria had made her country the most powerful empire of the world.   

       E) As a result of her own arrogance, she has been imprisoned during 30 years.  Yet, she has no intension to repent.      

13.  Choose the wrong ones.  (M)

       A) She is so concentrated on her work that nothing can interrupt her; even the annoying construction noise sounds as if it is nothing to her.

       B) John looks scared though being chased by some frightening monster, but what after him is just a cockroach.   

       C) She behaves just as her mother, diligent and compassionate - a real model of humanity. 

       D) Lina talks about her goods like they are made for the royal family, even though they are exactly the opposite. 

       E) Jmes is so afraid of his sister that seeing her will always make him feel stiff and tight as if a frog seeing a snake.

14.  Choose the correct ones.   (M)

       A)The pope was considered to be the one on earth who makes judgments in behalf of God, and the kings, in the same logic, considered themselves to be those ruling the earth on the name of God.  

       B) “On the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!” is a famous line from Sailor Moon, a well-known anime series.    

       C) I would like to sign the contract on my father’s behalf, as he is now gravely sick and I was authorized to do this decision.

       D) Alexander the Great was just 16 years old when he ruled the country as a regent on behalf of his father who went for a war against Byzantium. 

       E) People will sometimes blackmail the closest ones, like their family or friends, consciously or unconsciously on behalf of love.   


1.  不要說到好像那不是你的責任!你把她放進了一個如此長期的訓練,以訓練的名義折磨她!


2.  在她作為醫生的實習期間,她學習了很多關於生命是如何珍貴以及生命是可以何等脆弱。


Facing the __1__ threat of Nazi Germany in 1939, Jacques Jaujard had to worry about lots of matters concerning his loved ones and his own life as everybody else.  However, as the one who was __2__ the Louvre Museum in Paris, he was also responsible to the great treasures of art collected by the museum.  In order to protect these __3__ of humanity from the Nazi’s destruction, his staffs, himself and many other volunteers worked together with enormous efforts to pack up and transport the valuable artworks.  They kept moving the artworks from one place to another and thus let them __4__ in secret spots safely until the end of the war.


Despite how deeply the paintings had been admired, it might still seem strange that Jaujard and his companions took them in such a __5__ while their own life would be __6__ by doing so.  In an era when innocent people were put into __7__ camps by the __8__ and bombs and chaos were everywhere, protecting these treasures was the only thing they were __9__ keeping the humanity __10__.   


1.  A) approaching         B) coming                  C) marching                   D) appealing    (M)

2.  A) in the name of     B) under control       C) in charge of               D) on behalf of

3.  A) heirs                      B) heritages                C) legalisms                    D) legacies    (M)

4.  A) lay hidden             B) lie hiding               C) lie hidden                   D) lay hiding

5.  A) piety                     B) privilege                 C) honor                        D) priority

6.  A) at risk                    B) in risk                    C) on risk                        D) of risk      

7.  A) focus                     B) attraction              C) concentration           D) attention

8.  A) authority              B) authorities            C) authoritarians            D) author     (M)

9.  A) capable for           B) capable of             C) capable for of            D)capable of for

10.  A) alive                    B) maintained            C) live                             D) maintain    (M)


翰林  G11-2    L7    Save the Louve    答案


1.  deputy                        2. lengthened         3. classified                 4. valuable

5.  regarding                    6. whereabouts       7. frame                      8. fragile  

9.  transported                10-1. vertically        10-2. horizontally    11. requisitioned

12. ambulances               13. vans                    14. minor                   15. intended      

16. destination                17. invaded               18. authority


1. AB                             2. A                             3. D                             4. A

5. ALL                           6. DF                           7. D                             8. ABC

9. B                                10. ACF                      11. DEFG                    12. BC

13. BC                            14. CD                        


1.  Don’t talk as if it is not your responsibility!  You placed/put her into such a long training, torturing her in the name of coaching!


2.  During her internship as a doctor, she learnt much about how valuable life was and how fragile life could be.


1. ABC                           2. C                            3. BD                           4. C

5. D                               6. A                            7. C                             8. BC

9. D                       10. AB     

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