英文大考常考題 – 68 ( 插入句 )
Famous American big-game hunter Sanger Rainsford is on a boat headed to Brazil for a hunting trip. On a dark, steamy night, Rainsford is out smoking when a wave knocks him overboard. The boat sails on, leaving Rainsford with no choice but to swim to a nearby island that _____ is dangerous.
(A) it (B) what (C) moreover (D) sailors say
這題答案是 (D)。 (ALL+ 2015-11 p.22)
這題的重點是[ 插入句 ]:
1. [ it, what, moreover ]放入空格均不適 -
[ a nearby island that is dangerous ]可以是一個合適的答案,[ it ]是多餘的。
[ what = the thing which ]也是在多餘的。
[ moreover ]語意不合。
[ sailors say ]是[ 插入句 ] - OK。