龍騰  G10-2    L3   Mammon and the Archer   (附答案Q


1.  Because they need to take care of the newborn baby, the whole family has been under a lot of pressure l_____y.

2. The mayor of this city a_____res his citizen that as long as he is the mayor, there will be no corruption.

3.  Walter’s idea was so radical that everyone in the group d_____es with him, and that makes him very depressed.

4. The DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) government is known for its dictatorship, they won’t tolerate any doubts or c_____es that are against the government, and even more specifically, its dictator.  

5.  I’m more than happy to e_____n the whole theory to you again later, since I’m running late for the party.

6.  The people in Afghanistan are in d_____e need of aid.  The Taliban, taking over the power of the government, are likely to treat them cruelly and make their lives miserable.

7.  Jessie and Jane were e_____ged after Jessie popped the question last week.  They have been dating for 8 years, and they’re finally getting married.

8.  John is a straight A student from the start of the semester.  F_____e, he is also a student with great personality traits.

9.  There was a small fire on the runway, so the plane d_____e and arrival times were delayed.

10.  He was the student who h_____dly studied when he was in our high school.  That’s why we are all shocked when we know he gets such good grades in college.

11.   After the surprise airstrike at Pearl Harbor, the president of the United States d_____red war against Japan.

12.  According to the Greek myth, Pandora opened the box full of misfortune out of c_____y.

13.   The students were all i_____med of the changed rules of the midterm exam by email.

14.  The witness provided us with a detailed d_____n of the suspect.  Eventually, the police caught the criminal in no time.

15.   The idea of this p_____l is good, but due to its practicality, it was turned down eventually.

16.   He is such a stubborn person, so no one wants to get into a_____ts with him.

17.   The quite complicated direction guides on the floor really c_____sed us.  I don’t think we can get out of here just by looking at the instructions.

18.   Our boss needs your e_____n for why you haven’t turned in your project.

19.   Some famous movie stars are likely to become s_____tes because most of them are very fashionable and active in a lot of activities..  


1.  Even a blind man can tell that Flinn _____ Amanda.  He just can’t take his eye off her.

     A) is love with              B) is in love with          C) got love with           D) is in love

2. The famous music band “Air Supply” has a lot of songs about the feeling of someone who just _____. 

     A) all out of love         B) out of love              C) fell out of love        D) fell out love

3.  When the groom and the bride are taking the sacred oath at the ceremony, their eyes _____ emotions.   (M)

     A) are filled with          B) is full of                   C) are bursting with     D) are thick with

     E) are overflowing with  

4. Instead of riding his scooter to work, Benson decided to walk to his company and buy his breakfast _____ to work.  (M) 

     A) on his road             B) on his own               C) en route                 D) on his way

5. In order to _____ his championship title, the boxing champion practices every day to _____ strong.  So he can _____ the goal.

    A) retain; remain; attain                                    B) attain; retain; maintain

    C) maintain; retain; attain                                 D) retain; maintain; attain

    E) attain; remain; retain                                    F) remain; attain; retain

6. He was such a procrastinator that he finally _____ 30 minutes late in the meeting.  (M)

     A) appears                   B) appeared                  C) showed up              D) showed off                       

7. Raymond is an arrogant person; he will most definitely _____ whenever he gets a chance.

     A) show up                  B) showcase                  C) show off                  D) show and tell  

8.  Mr. Jefferson is a famous inventor.  He was once asked by his grandchild, “Grandpa, how many inventions _____ you _____?”

     A) have; had                B) had; had                   C) do; have                  D) did; have

9.  If Hitler _____ declined by art school, the Second World War _____ not _____ happened.

     A) hadn’t be; might; had                                  B) haven’t be; may; have

     C) hadn’t be; will; have                                                                            D) hadn’t be; might; have

10.  Choose the correct ones.  (M)

       A) If Maurice can pass the final exam really matters.              

       B) Whether Annie is sick or not, she still goes to work.

       C) He has lied so many times, and I don’t know if I can even trust him anymore.

       D) It doesn’t matter how you like the proposal or not, the board won’t permit it.

       E) When traveling abroad, Samuel doesn’t know how he needs to take this train.

       F) Believe it or don’t, you will see some amazing creatures on this deserted island.

       G) Whether Allen wants to take one day off to accompany his girlfriend bothers him.

        H) All that matters is if you can manage your time effectively. 

11.   Choose the wrong ones.   

       A) He had eaten too much junk food before he decided to go on a diet.  He has to be more dedicated to doing exercise than others.

       B) Many islands in the Pacific Ocean were occupied by the Japanese army before the US army dropped two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

       C) By the time the young man was sent to the hospital, he has been dead from internal bleeding.  

       D) Roxanne asks Andrew if she can go play basketball with him this weekend.

12.  Choose the correct ones.   (M)

       A) I had intended to go to the library, but it wasn’t open that day.

       B) My little brother had been watching TV for 1 hour when Mom comes home.

       C) By the time the company realized their problem, they had lost millions of dollars.

       D) Walter has lost millions of dollars before his wife found out what he has been doing for a living.   

       E) The Japanese army surrendered after the US army had dropped two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

13.   Choose the wrong ones  (M)

       A) Sinclair is a professor teaching in a famous university.  He once told us if his parents hadn’t been so harsh on him, he might go astray when he was young.

       B) By the time the support troops came, General Grievous had been defeated by General Kenobi.

       C) He has once double-crossed us before; I don’t know if we can trust him this time.

       D) I don’t know why the store was closed or not due to the pandemic.  

       E) If you like it or not, you will have to accept the outcome of the game.  

       F) Our personal manager looks forward to see the candidate’s attitude to dealing with some tough customers.  

14.  You should _____ your house against fire damage.  It means the insurance company will _____ that there will be a compensation claim if any damage is caused by fire.  They will _____ you that your house is protected under the insurance policy you buy.

       A) ensure; insure; assure                              B) ensure; assure; insure       

       C) insure; ensure; assure                               D) insure; assure; ensure

       E) assure; ensure; insure                               F) assure; insure; ensure

15.   Choose the wrong ones.   (M)

       A) It is from failure that people can learn something.

       B) It is according to thd weekly weather forecast that we plan to have a 2-day mountain camping.  

       C) It is due to the hot weather that people prefer to stay at home.

       D) It is high time he did daily exercise.  

       E) It is time that Natalie turns in her book report.    

       F) It is not until his mother died that Kent had gone to the U.S. and worked there.


1.  如果他有做每日的例行檢查,像這樣的災難就不會發生了。


2.  我們正在計畫下個週末去野餐,我想知道你能不能來。



An old millionaire called Anthony Rockwall believed that money could solve any problem.  And when he found that his son, Richard __1__ quite upset lately, he assured him that money could solve anything.  However, Richard __2__ his father. “There are many things that money can’t buy at all,” Richard replied to his father.

Richard told his father he was __3__ in love with a popular socialite whose name was Miss Lantry.  But sadly, he didn’t have a chance to tell her how he felt because of her busy schedule. Furthermore, she was going to __4__ Europe and stayed there for two years.  He could only tell her his feeling the next evening when they would be sharing a cab to a theater.  But there wouldn’t be enough time for him to declare his love.

Anthony’s sister also didn’t believe money was the key to all problems.  So she gave Richard a ring which __5__ to Anthony’s __6__ mother.  “Good luck in love she said it brought,” said Aunt Ellen to Richard.  So Richard put it in his vest pocket and went to meet Miss Lantry.

As Miss Lantry and Richard were in a cab on their way to the theater, Richard accidently dropped the ring.  He got out of the cab to retrieve it.  But when he found the ring and got back, the road was blocked by a large car and a wagon.  As they waited for the traffic jam to clear, Miss Lantry asked Richard about the ring out of __7__.

Later that day, Aunt Ellen told Anthony that his son was engaged __8__ Miss Lantry, and she claimed that it was the ring which did the magic.  On the next day, a man reported to Anthony and said how much he paid to the police to create the well-designed traffic jam.  Anthony laughed and asked if he saw a naked kid like Cupid with an arrow.  Anthony was satisfied with himself because he __9__ that money could buy time.  However, was it the ring or money that brought love?


1.  A) has been                  B) has being                 C) had been                 D) had being

2. A) disagreed with         B) disagreed for            C) disagreed about      D) disagreed on

3.  A) crazily                     B) terribly                    C) desperately              D) terrifically  (M)

4. A) departed from        B) departed with          C) departed to              D) departed for

5.  A) belongs                   B) blonged                   C) was belonged          D) had belonged

6.  A) disguised                 B) ceased                      C) deceased                  D) passed

7.  A) curiosity                  B) curfew                      C) curation                   D) currency

8.  A) in                             B) to                             C) X                              D) with

9.  A) proves                      B) proved                      C) was proved              D) had proved



龍騰  高一 英文 U3    Mammon and the Archer    答案


1.  lately                          2. assures                  3. disagrees                 4. challenges

5.  explain                        6. desperate              7. engaged                 8. Furthermore            

9. departure                    10. hardly                 11. declared                 12. curiosity                   

13. informed                   14. description         15. proposal                16. arguments

17. confused                   18. explanation        19. socialites


1. B                                2. C                             3. ACDE                     4. CD

5. A                               6. BC                           7. C                             8. A

9. D                               10. BCG                      11. BC                         12. ACE

13. ACDEF                    14. C                           15. EF


1.  If he had run through the daily routine check, a disaster like this wouldn’t have happened.


2. We are planning a picnic on the next weekend, and I want to know if you can make it.


1. C                                2. A                            3. ABC                        4. D

5. D                               6. C                             7. A                            8. B

9. D

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