龍騰  G10-2    L4   Malala: Stronger Than Violence   (附答案Q


1. In recent years, the line between male and f_____e is becoming more and more blurred. Gender is no longer binary but more of a spectrum-like classification.

2.  The profit of our company in the r_____n last year was about twenty million US dollars.

3.  Unlike most of the country, the Dutch government does not f_____d marijuana in Amsterdam.  

4.  You should c_____e your work as soon as possible; we are already behind our schedule.

5.  He will pursue a higher e_____n after he graduates from college.  However, most of his friends will go straight to find some jobs.

6.  Integrity, diligence and pursuit of improvement are the three main p_____les of our principal.

7.  The fact that he hasn’t had any reply from his professor after Benson wrote a letter to him really a_____ys him.

8.  The hostages of United Airlines Flight 93 of the 911 terrorist attack stayed calm when the terrorists t_____ned them.  Although all of them died after the crash, they were the heroes who saved possibly hundreds of lives.

9.  Because the brain itself can’t sense any pain, it is possible for the patient to stay conscious throughout the whole brain s_____y.  

10.  Due to the lack of rest, Kobe Bryant couldn’t r_____r fully from his torn Achilles and thus couldn’t return to his full capacity.

11.   The negotiator successfully p_____ded the robbers to release some of the hostages they held in exchange for food and water.

12.  He wasn’t upset when he realized he was a_____ted; instead, he just thought he was very lucky. 

13.  The street has become significantly cleaner after the government enforced the no-littering p_____y strictly.

14.  To everyone’s delight, the government e_____res that utility bills will not rise in the coming year.

15.  Lebron James is not only an athlete.  He helped the e_____t of “I Promise School”, which is a school especially for those who are struggling with their lives.

16.  The professor r_____ved a “Outstanding Research Achievement” award because of his important dedication in the field of psychology and computer science.

17.  No sharp objects were allowed to be carried on planes after the 911 incident, let alone any lethal w_____n.


1.  We were too busy working on our project yesterday, so no one _____ the absence of Oscar.

     A) took care of           B) took notes of          C) took notice for       D) took notice of

2.  This lecture is very crucial for any computer science related majors, so it is best for you guys to _____ what the professor said.  Take note of = pay attention    take notes throughout the lecture

     A) take notes at           B) take notes in           C) take notes on          D) take notes for

3.  Fred didn’t do his part of the housework, so _____ with friends.  (M)

     A) he was forbidden not to hang out

     B) he was forbidden to hang out

     C) his parents forbade him not to hang out

    D) his parents forbade him to hang out

     E) his parents forbade him not from hanging out

4.  Superheroes will still be superheroes even if you _____ their suits or devices because what defines them is not their appearances but their personalities, mindsets, and power.

     A) take away                B) tear down               C) take off                    D) tear off

5.  What a senator should really do is to _____ for his citizens, not just to manifest his power.

     A) look forward to      B) speak highly of        C) speak out for         D) keep a close eye on

6. After several small earthquakes, the Central Weather Bureau _____ the awareness of the possibility of larger earthquakes in the coming weeks.

     A) looked for              B) called for                 C) worked on               D) rolled out

7. Because of the unfair wages between male and female workers, the women in the company decided to _____ indefinitely.  (M) 

     A) come out on strike     B) come to strike    C) go on demonstration    D) go on strike

8. _____ AI (Artificial Intelligence) is developing rapidly brings us new perspectives in every different field of study.  We can basically combine AI with every subject.

     A) The idea that          B) The news that          C) The belief that         D) The fact that

9. _____, his belief that every man is born equal _____ him great at this job.

     A) According to; making                                 B) According to; makes

     C) Based on; making                                         D) Based on; to make

10.  _____ we are able to achieve time traveling someday is still just an unreachable goal.

       A) The fact that        B) The news that          C) The belief that         D) The theory that

11.   _____ Freddie Mercury passed away at such a young age of 45 years was devastating to many people.

       A) The theory that    B) The news that          C) The fact that          D) The idea that

12.  Choose the correct ones.   (M)

       A) The man wearing a suit seems like a nice guy; however, he is actually a professional. con artist.

       B) The man injuring was taken to the hospital right after the car accident happened.

       C) The main character in the movie stood under the lamppost waiting for his girlfriend.

       D) After the big fire, nothing was left in the house except the burnt furniture.

       E) The patient is in the hospital, and he is accompanying by a group of well-trained medical staff.   

13.  Choose the wrong ones   (M)

       A) Kobe Bryant jumped into the crowd surrounding by fans.   

       B) Lewis Hamilton, not knowing one of his car’s tires was about to use up, kept driving his race car for a while.

       C) The suggestion we shouldn’t eat so much fast food is not accepted by many people.   

       D)    It has been a proven belief that we can use mathematical models to mimic human brains is doable.  

       E) The reason why this country can never be strong is because its bureaucratic system is full of corrupted officials.

14.  Not to our surprise, politicians and millionaires _____ ignore the things which concern ordinary people. 

       A) otherwise            B) each other              C) alike                        D) in a pod

15.  Under the protection of the Constitution, everyone has the right _____ freedom _____ speech and freedom _____ assembly.   

       A) of; of; of             B) of; to; to                 C) to; to; to                D) to; of; of

16.  To everybody’s surprise, of some major candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014, Malala turned out to win the Prize, and was the youngest winner _____ this outstanding honor. (M) 

       A) receives                 B) received                   C) receiving                  D) to receive

       E) who receives          F) who receiving          G) who received         

17.  Mr. Curtis Franklin is a wealthy and conservative man.  He _____ his family of a comfortable life.  Therefore, he _____ his mansion and other properties against all risks of loss or damage.  The insurance can not only _____ him his promise to his family but also _____ there are no future worries for his family and him.  

       A) guarantees; has ensured; assure; insure    B) assures; has insured; guarantee; ensure

       C) ensures; has guaranteed; insure; assure     D) insures; has ensured; assure; guarantee

       G) assures; has insured; ensure; guarantee     F) ensures; has insured; ensure; guarantee

       E) guarantees; has assured; ensure; insure     H) assures; has insured; ensures; guarantees


1.  我們某天能夠打造出時光隧道的想法似乎是不可能的,因為我們直到現在都無法超越光速。


2. 那位辯論者在台上知道自己犯了一個大錯誤,因而尷尬地笑著。



Not even one of the fourteen female students on the bus took notice when their school truck came to a sudden stop.  Such stops were common on the crowded roads of Pakistan.   Suddenly, two men wearing masks jumped on the car and asked, “Which one is Malala?” When they found her, they shot her in the head and __1__ and disappeared.


Malala grew up in a __2__ controlled by the Taliban.  The girls there were forbidden to go to school, and over one hundred girls’ schools were blown up.  Her father was a school’s __3__.  And he urged her to stay in school through her teenage years.  That’s why Malala was one of the girls who continued her education.  She held __4__ no one could take away others’ right __5__ education.  She thus became an advocate of equal rights for female students.  She then started a personal blog for the BBC about life in a society controlled by the Taliban, which __6__ the Leaders of Taliban.


When her story raised awareness all over the globe, the Taliban __7__ to kill her.  The whole world was shocked when the Taliban carried out their threat. Miraculously, she survived the trauma and finally recovered in Britain after further treatment.  People all over the world were inspired by her effort.  And over two million supporters worldwide signed a statement __8__ equal education in Pakistan.  All these actions persuading the Pakistani government to adopt a new policy __9__ everyone __9__ equal educational rights no matter which gender people are.  Then in 2014, Malala won the Nobel peace prize.  At the age of 17, she was the youngest person ever to win the award. 


1.  A) hopped off              B) hopped on               C) jumped on               D) hopped of

2.  A) region                     B) regime                     C) religion                    D) legion

3.  A) principal                  B) principle                   C) projectile                 D) prohibit

4.  A) the strong fact that                                     B) the strong idea that

     C) the strong belief                                           D) the strong belief that

5.  A) about                     B) to                             C) of                             D) in

6.  A) annoying               B) agitated                    C) accompanied           D) annoyed

7.  A) threatened              B) threaded                  C) forbade                    D) compelled

8.  A) call for                    B) called for                C) calling for                D) to call for

9.  A) ensured; about       B) ensure; of                C) ensured; X               D) assured; about

     E) assured; of               F) assured; X    (M)



龍騰  高一 英文 U4    Malala: Stronger Than Violence    答案


1.  female                       2. region                  3. forbid                     4. continue

5.  education                   6. principles             7. annoys                   8. threatened   

9. surgery                        10. recover              11. persuaded              12. adopted      

13. policy                        14. ensures              15. establishment       16. received

17. weapon                     


1. D                                2. C                             3. BD                           4. A

5. C                               6. B                             7. AD                          8. D

9. B                                10. D                           11. B                           12. ACD

13. ACD                        14. C                           15. D                           16. CDG

17. B                             


1.  The idea that we can create a time tunnel one day seems impossible because we have not been able to exceed the speed of light until now.


2.  The debater found out on the stage that he had made a big mistake, and smiled awkwardly with embarrassment.


1. A                               2. A                            3. A                            4. D

5. B                                6. D                             7. A                            8. C

9. EF


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