英文大考常考題 – 19 一般連接詞的[ as ],還是準關係代名詞的[ as ],或者是[ like ]?
Aphrodite helped Paris take Helen to Troy ________. The Spartan king was furious, and ten years of war between Sparta and Troy followed. …
(A) as promised (B) like being promised
(C) like she promised (D) as she had promised
這題答案是 (D)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二建國中學試題 p.76)
這題的重點 – 要使用一般連接詞的[ as ],還是準關係代名詞的[ as ]?
1. 雖然最近幾年已經開始將[ like ]當作連接詞使用,但沒有用在類似此題目的句構。這題是使用一般連接詞的[ as ],假若要使用準關係代名詞的[ as ],這個句子要改寫如下:
a) Aphrodite helped Paris take Helen to Troy, as (was) promised. 或
b) As (was) promised, Aphrodite helped Paris take Helen to Troy.