英文大考常考題 – 18 關係代名詞[ which ]的另一種用法
I worked in the U.S. from 1984 to 1991, during ________ time I became a U.S. citizen.
(A) when (B) that (C) which (D) whose
這題答案是 (C)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二基隆女中試題 p.75)
這題的重點在關係代名詞[ which ]的用法:
1. 先看[ during ________ time I became a U.S. citizen ]這個子句,這個子句已經有主詞[ I ]、連綴動詞[ became ]與補語[ a U.S. citizen ],所以它缺少的是關係副詞。但同時我們知道沒有[ when time + 人稱代名詞 + 連綴動詞 + 補語 ]與[ whose time + 人稱代名詞 + 連綴動詞 + 補語 ]的用法,所以剩下[ that ]與[ which ]。
[ during that time ]只是時間副詞,沒有連接詞的作用,而[ during which time ]有連接詞的作用。
I worked in the U.S. from 1984 to 1991.
During that time, I became a U.S. citizen.
2. 類似用法
He fails to pass the exam again, in which case he is required to study harder.
He fails to pass the exam again.
In that case, he is required to study harder.