英文大考常考題 - 37 [ 關係代名詞與不定量詞 ]
… Each year, ten winners are awarded prizes in honor of “achievements that first make people laugh, and then them think.” Winners receive no money, many of ________, however, are willing to attend the ceremony at their expense – perhaps for an award that is presented by a genuine Nobel laureate…
(A) which (B) that (C) them (D) whom
這題答案是 (D)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二台中二中試題 p.112)
1. 1) 二個子句:
[ Winners receive no money ]與[ many of ________ are willing to attend the ceremony ],但缺少連接詞。
2) [ many of ________ ]顯然是winners中的許多人。但若使用[ them ],還是缺少連接詞。
3) 但若使用[ which ],連接詞是有了,但應該是人,而不是事物[ which ]。
4) 關係代名詞[ that ]前面不能有[ , ]。
5) [ whom ]是關係代名詞,而且是[ of ]的受詞。[ whom ]就是答案。
1) Jane bought five novels this summer, one of which was her favorite.
2) Young people like to use smartphones, most of whom use iPhones.