基礎文法 – 第1講 人稱代名詞
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
Personal Pronoun Pronoun Determiner Pronoun Pronoun
Pronoun 主格 受格 所有格 所有代名詞 反身代名詞
第一人稱單數 I me my mine myself
第一人稱複數 we us our ours ourselves
第二人稱單數 you you your yours yourself
第二人稱複數 you you your yours yourselves
第三人稱單數 he him his his himself
第三人稱單數 she her her hers herself
第三人稱單數 it it its X itself
第三人稱複數 they them their theirs themselves
1. [ 主格 ]是放在主詞位置上的人稱代名詞。
[ 受格 ]是放在受詞位置上的人稱代名詞。
[ 所有格 ]是用來修飾主格的事物。
2. [ it與they ]適用在動物與事物上,其餘人稱代名詞(包括they)適用在人與動物上。
1) I am a handsome and smart boy.
2) They are my classmates.
3) She has a puppy called Spot.
4) Is it your bag?
1) Tom gave me a call this morning.
2) Alice told him not to play computer games any more.
3) Jane and her sister picked me up at the airport.
4) Emily: Who can carry these boxes for me?
Henry: I can carry them for you.
1) Is Spot her puppy?
2) Their pictures are on the table.
3) Would you please tell me where your little brother is?
4) My uncle has a big house. Its roof is red.