
基礎文法2  基本的句型



1.   肯定的敘述句 [ 主詞 + 動詞 ]   [ 主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞 ]

      1)   Jenny laughs.

      2)  She is laughing.

      3)     Ben cried.

      4)  Juliet is beautiful.

      5)  She is a beautiful girl.

      6)  John sings a song.

      7)  Billy walks his dog every morning.

      8)  Kenny is doing his homework.


2.  否定的敘述句

[ 主詞 + 否定助動詞 + 動詞 ]   [ 主詞 + 否定助動詞 +動詞 + 受詞 ]

      1)   Josh doesn’t cry.

      2)  This little bird can not fly.

            = This bird can’t fly.

      3)  It does not rain now.

            = It doesn’t rain now.

      4)  I did not sleep last night.

            + I didn’t sleep last night.

      5)  She is not pretty.

            = She isn’t pretty.

      6)  Gary isn’t a smart boy.

      7)  Leo doesn’t like William.

      8)  My mother doesn’t allow me to play computer games.

      9)  My parents will not give me petty cash next week.


3.  疑問句 – 1 (Yes/No Questions)

      [ 助動詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 … ]

      1)   Do you like to go to the movies with me?

      2)  Will we go to Taipei to see Julie and her mom this afternoon?

      3)  Can you do me a favor?

      4)  Would you please help me with my homework?

      5)  May I go now?


4.  疑問句 – 2 (Wh Questions)

[ 疑問詞 + 助動詞 + 主詞 ]  

      [ 疑問詞 + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 ]

      [ 疑問詞 + 助動詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞 ]

      [ 疑問 + 動詞 + 受詞 ]

疑問詞:Who, What, Which, When, Where, Why, How

      1)   Who are you?

      2)  Who is your brother?

      3)  Who do you think I am?

      4)  What is your name?

      5)  What does he want to do?

      6)  Which do you want to eat?

      7)  When do you come here?

      8)  When is your birthday?

      9)  When did Tom leave?

      10)   Where do you live?

      11)    Where did they go?

      12)   Why are you late for the class?

      13)    Why are you late for school?

      14)   Why do you send me an e-mail?

      15)    How old are you?

      16)    How tall is John?

      17)    How far is it from here to there?

      18)   Who told this?    

      19)    Which book belongs to you?



1.   [ 助動詞 ] – 是幫助主要動詞的輔助動詞,用在各種時、疑問句、否定句、語態或語氣上。它包括:be(am, are, is, was, were), do(does, did), have(has, had), will(would), shall(should), can(could), may(might), must等。

2.   所有的句子都有主詞,主詞中的代表之一是人稱代名詞(I, you, he, she, they, we, it)


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