基礎文法 – 第12講 A 形容詞比較級 (第12講 B 形容詞比較級與最高級的形成 二天後登出)
I am heavier. 我比較重
I am heavier than you are. 我比你重
= I am heavier than you. (可以省略be動詞are)
He is much more heavier than I. 他比我重多了
I am thinner than you. 我比你瘦
I am lighter than you. 我比你輕
You are slimmer. 妳比較苗條
She is slimmer than you. 她比妳苗條
You are slenderer. 妳比較修長(或苗條)
She is slenderer than you. 她比妳修長(或苗條)
You are getting slimmer and slimmer. 妳長得愈來愈苗條
I am older. 我比較年長
I am older than you. 我比你年長
I am elder. ( X )
I am elder than you. ( X )
He is my elder brother. 他是我哥哥
He is my older brother. 他是我哥哥
My brother is two years older than I. 我哥哥比我年長二歲
My brother is older than I by two years. 我哥哥比我年長二歲
We can see the elderly practice Tai Chi in the park every morning.
1. [ older ]是[ old ]的比較級,用來描述人事物。而[ elder – 年紀較長的 ]只用來描述人(通常是與自己有關係的人),沒有比較級與最高級。
She is my older sister. (姐姐)
We live in an older house. (較老、較舊)
He drove an older car. (較舊)
Sally is my elder sister. (姐姐 – 較傳統的用法)
Helen is my elder niece who is working in IBM now. (大的外甥女)
He is the old man who I met in the old church yesterday. (這老人)
The elderly man who you met in the old church yesterday is my uncle.
(使用[ elderly – 年長的、上了年紀的 ]比[ old – 老的、舊的 ]更有禮貌。)
2. [ the old ]、[ the elderly ]與[ the aged ]都是指老年人,[ the old ]是普遍的用法, [ the elderly ]是比較有禮貌的用法,[ the aged ]帶有體力衰老的老年人的意思。
3. 我們常會聽到人家說[ He is heavier than me. 他比我重],怎麼會用受詞[ me ]呢?那是口語的說法。正式的說法是[ He is heavier than I. 他比我重]。