英文大考常考題 – 11 [ 關係子句 – which, where ]
Across the street there is a new French restaurant ________ Mike proposed marriage to Helen two weeks ago.
(A) which (B) , in there (C) , in which (D) and where
這題答案是 (C)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二高雄女中試題 p.63)
這題的重點在關係子句中[ where ]與[ 介系詞 + which ]的使用:
1. 這題目的先行詞是[ a new French restaurant ],它是一個地點,先行詞之後應該直接放[ where ]。有[ and where ],但是[ and ]與[ where ]都是連接詞。不能選[ in there ],因為[ there ]是地方副詞了,前面不能有介系詞。而卻沒有[ where ]。這時候一定要記住 – 這題目是在考[ where ] = [ 介系詞 + which ]。
1) Kenting is one of the most popular resorts to which we go every year.
2) My dad graduated from Chien Kuo Senior High School at which he spent three years broadening his horizons.