
國一上 英文第6單元 練習題 – 1  (翰林版)


Test  8


I - 詞彙

1.     大叫                                2.    興奮的                          3.    生氣的                        

4.    jealous                            5.    anxious                         6.    peaceful

7.    In the library, it is very q______t.  So, don't chat with others there.

8.    Teachers teach students in the c______s.  But there are several field trips in a semester.

9.    In the m________m, people can see many ancient antiques and some precious collections.

10.  Although Mike and Tom are twins, they f_______t with each other very often.


II  動詞時態

原形                    現在式                     過去式                     過去分詞

teach                   __ ______                ________                 ________

say                       ________                 ________                 ________

fight                     ________                 ________                 ________

tell                       ________                 ________                 ________

think                    ________                 ________                 ________


III  選擇  (較佳的答案)

1.  選出錯誤的句子

     a) Eric, please help me with my homework.

     b) Please did me a favor.

     c) Bob, tell me where you want to go.

     d) Be honest.

 2.   選出正確的句子

     a) Let me to make coffee for you.

     b) Don't tell a lie please.

     c) Peter, let's help you.

     d) Cindy look out!

3.  選出正確的句子

     a) Please, Wendy, give me a call.

     b) Frank let's go.

     c) Not do the stupid thing again.

d) Ronnie, stay where you are, please.

4.  選出正確的句子 

     a) Jack, don't say anything, please.

     b) Put on your glasses Lily.

     c) Don't touch it, please Teresa.

     d) Please get out.

5.  選出正確的句子

     a) Please, Derek, close the door.

     b) Yvonne please, don't shout.

     c) Please not let him fall asleep.

     d) Look outside.


V  造句  (每題2)

1.    一台iMac筆電是我薪水的一倍半  (薪水 salary)




2.    一間豪宅比一間公寓貴上十多倍  (豪宅- mansion, 公寓 – apartment)




3.    小孩比大人更快樂 (大人 – adult)




4.    做的比說的困難太多    



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