
013  If 假設語氣 – 3  (混合型)

句型  (過去到現在)


If + S1 + 過去完成式 + …,

              S2 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …



1.  假如你昨天問我關於太陽能的問題,你現在就可告訴你的老闆你的看法。

     If you had asked me the question about solar energy, you would tell your boss your idea now. 

2. Peter假如上周五做完這專案,他今天就可以不加班

     If Peter had finished the project last Friday, he wouldnt work overtime today.



1.  假若Tom十年前有足夠錢買公寓的話,他就現在就不會租房子。


2.  假若Billy在期末考前努力用功的話,數學就不會不及格。


3.  假若在夏天有下幾場大雨的話,現在就不會缺水。


4.  假若我父母去年買一支iPhone給我當生日禮物的話,我現在就在用它而不是ZenPhone



013  If 假設語氣 – 3  (混合型)

句型  (過去到現在)


If + S1 + 過去完成式 + …,

              S2 + (would/could/might/should) + 動詞原形 + …



1.  假如你昨天問我關於太陽能的問題,你現在就可告訴你的老闆你的看法。

     If you had asked me the question about solar energy, you would tell your boss your idea now. 

2. Peter假如上周五做完這專案,他今天就可以不加班

     If Peter had finished the project last Friday, he wouldnt work overtime today.



1.  假若Tom十年前有足夠錢買公寓的話,他就現在就不會租房子。

    If Tom had had enough money to buy an apartment ten years ago, he wouldnt rent a small apartment now.


2.  假若Billy在期末考前努力用功的話,數學就不會不及格。

    If Billy had studied hard before the final, I wouldnt fail math.


3.  假若在夏天有下幾場大雨的話,現在就不會缺水。

    If it had rained heavily a few times in summer, there would be no

    shortage of water.


4.  假若我父母去年買一支iPhone給我當生日禮物的話,我現在就在用它而不是ZenPhone

    If my parents had bought me an iPhone as my birthdays gift, I would

    use it now instead of a ZenPhone.

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