017-1 Would that 假設語氣
"Would that"是以前英語用來表達假設的方式之一。
例句 -
Would that he didn't tell a lie.
希望他沒說謊,實際上他說謊了。Would that後面所接的子句的動詞以過去式為多,代表與現在事實相反。另外,"Would that"可以被"If only"與"I wish that"取代。
更多例句 -
Would that my parents were here.
Would that Nancy could come.
Would that I knew the answer.
Would that I were you.
Would that our company's profit would be in black. \
Would that my dad were Santa Claus. If so, I could have what I want.
Would that後面所接的子句的動詞以過去式為多,代表與現在事實相反。若是與過去事實相反,則以過去完成式表示。
例句 -
Do not drive him too hard or he perishes; Would that a lion had ravaged mankind Rather than the flood, Would that a wolf had ravaged mankind Rather than the flood, Would that famine had wasted the world Rather than the flood, Would that pestilence had wasted mankind Rather than the flood.
(來源: Oxford University Press, The World of Myth: An Anthology, edited by David Adams Leeming)
Would that he wronged me ! would that he had hated me! would that he had troubled the stream of my being, rather than that I had disturbed and obstructed his !
(來源: A book of the passions, By George Payne R. James, Printed by James Moyes, Castle Street, Leicester Square, London)