英文大考常考題 – 24 [ 二個that子句 ]
… It might never occurred to Frankenstein that it was he that produced the monster which ruined his world ________ his passion for science would cause so many disasters. Without Frankenstein’s crazy dream …
(A) in which (B) that was (C) but (D) and that
這題答案是 (D)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二清水高中試題 p.101)
這題的重點與[ 英文大考常考題 – 7 ]相同:
1. 用and連接二個用that引導的名詞子句的時後,第一個that可以省略,但是第二個that不可省略。假若第二個that被省略,可能造成句子意思不明,或者是另外的意思。
這題的答案是(D) and that。
它的句子結構是: It might never occurred to Frankenstein + that引導的名詞子句-1 + and that引導的名詞子句-2.