高一上英文翰林版  G10   Unit 5  


1.  On the open p_____ns of east Africa are zebras, antelopes, and elephants.

2.  Forests are a h_____t for a wide variety of plants and animals. They are powerhouses of biodiversity.

3.  The birthday gift for Annie was beautifully w_____ped in gold paper, which astonished many of her classmates. 

4.  Firefighters d_____e our great respect because they contribute to our society a lot.

5.  In the fairy tale Cinderella, the step-mother is very c_____l to the poor daughter. 

6.  They want to try some l_____l food in Vietnam, such as Goicuon and Banh mi which were heard delicious

7.  The sorrowful mother has l_____ged to see her child again since her child was lost.

8.  It was not s______e for teenagers to watch a TV show, filled with violence and harassment convention.

9.  When the nurse p_____ted the curtains, the sunlight flooded into the sickroom.

10.  Much to clerical staffs’ shock, the chairman l_____t to his feet and started shouting to everyone during the meeting.

11. Upon seeing its master coming back home, the dog jumped up and l_____ked her face.

12.  The main reason that results in f______e weather is mainly due to Global warming.

13.   Even though my grandfather has reached 70, he is still e______r to learn new things.

14.  It’s i______l in Taiwan for those who are under 18 to buy l______y.  

15.   The waiter p______ced the menu on the guests’ table with a loud sound, which enraged them. 

16.   It is said that in a country with robust society b______ds, it’ll become wealthier and stronger.

17.   Every time my daughter watches a t______hing movie, she’ll stare at the screen and wipe her tears and

18.  In today’s business occasion, it is common etiquette that the junior will be i______ced to the senior instead of vice versa.

19.   It is for sure that once a person becomes a c______y, his or her private life will draw people’s attention.


1.  Yesterday, Dora held a party in her villa and invited many political and business celebrities. No wonder, her villa was _____ reporters.

     A) fill with               B) crowded by         C) full of               D) covered with


2.  The Youtuber is a novel type of job. They will _____ videos online and share their works with viewers.

     A)put                       B) place                    C) set                     D) get

3.  ______ my surprise, I already knew that the murderer in the novel was the cruel step-mother and she would be revealed her identity in the end.

     A) Much to            B) Much with          C) Less to              D) Less with

4.   Although Daniel was a high school student, his parents still always prepared a case of toy cars ______ his birthday gift.

      A) as                       B) be                       C) for                    D) with

5.   There are ______ lions on the grassy plain, resting themselves.

      A) a herd of          B) a pride of             C) a crowd of       D) a group

6.   Eva Green is a ______ French actress who played a great deal of roles in the movies.

      A) good-knowing    B) good-known    C) well-knowing       D)well-known

7.   ______ we grow up, we should try our best to repay the society.

      A) With                 B) Since                    C) Later                 D) As

8.   Choose the correct ones  (2)

       A)   The little baby cried as soon as he saw the looking-strange man.

       B)   She screamed out loudly upon touching the soft, wet and disgusting frog.

       C)   The instant the teacher walking into the classroom, the students stopped playing and made no sound all of a sudden.

       D)   The second when I heard the terrible news, my tears can’t help but falling out straightly.

9.   Choose the correct ones  (2)

       A)   Caroline used to be a plain girl, but she looked like much prettier after making up.

       B)   I used to see many elders exercised the park, but there are no longer elders there now.  

       C)   The little boy got used to living with his grandparents after parting with his parents 3 months later.

       D)   Freshmen will used to new school campus soon because the school provide them with full school guidance.  

       E)   Some people strongly believe that some herbs are used to cure certain diseases.

10.  Choose wrong ones  (3)

       A)   Upon hearing the brisk piano music, I reminded of those happy memory.

       B)   It reminded the parents that they left their kids in the car on seeing car’s key.

       C)   The little girl longed seeing her pet dog, which died a few months ago.

       D)   I didn’t see my purse was taken away from the shelf by someone then.  

       E)   As soon as the police saw the thief stealing money from a street vendor, she caught him without hesitation.

11.   Choose wrong ones  (3)

       A)   By the time Ashley’s dad comes home, she will finish her homework. 

       B)   When the old man finished the miserable and romantic story, we had be moved into tears already.  

       C)   Whether his parents support his ideal of being an artist or not, he insists on chasing after his dream.

       D)   None of Cindy’s friends knows how she should look upon her nanny as a housemaid.

       E)   He asked one of super models how she make her look a gorgeous model.

12.  Choose correct ones  (3)

       A)   The song, Michelle, that wrote by the well-known band, the Beatles, really touches me.

       B)   They were married to each other in 1950s, when the war just ceased fire.

       C)   I have a sister, who has studied abroad since last year. I miss her so much.

       D)   Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world, owns totally 169 floors.       

       E)   Our grandfather decides to quit smoking that really shocks us.

13.   Choose wrong ones  (2)

       A)   The wedding which Jerry and Mandy held in the church moved all of the guests to tears.  

       B)   In the end, the concert that we originally expected to have no more than 600 people went beyond our expectation and had at least 1000 participants.  .

       B)   In the end, the concert that we originally expected to have no more than 600 people went beyond 1000 people.

       C)   Comments people left on the Internet should be more than careful and wise.

       D)   Just as the description in the book, her life is indeed full of amazing elements.

       E)   The computer what I bought yesterday was broke after I installed some software. 

14. Choose the correct ones  (3)

       A)   I wonder if Sammy will come to me us or not. 

       B)   I wonder whether or not he will come to see me.

       C)   I wonder if or not he will come to see me.

       D)   Pete asked me about whether he needed to buy a laptop or not.

       E)   If Rose will show up in our meeting or not is still unknown.

       F)    What really concerns me is if she doesn’t tell us the truth.

15.  People who ______ large cities long for a country life.

      A) abide                 B) dwell                    C) inhabit             D) reside

16.  The story about a lion, Christian, tells us that love can go beyond ______.

      (Choose correct ones)   (2)

      A) any bonds         B) any bounds         C) any limits         D) any where


1.  不止華人喜歡喝很多酒,美國人也同樣喜歡並視飲酒為生活日常。



  1. 令我們失望的是以前常去玩耍的公園要被拆除了。



  1. Mike升遷成我們的副總經理之後,我們更把他當做公司副總,而不只是朋友。




In 1969,   1  having a lion as a pet was still legal, John Rendall and Ace Bourke, two young Australians, decided to buy a lion cub in a pet section in London. They  2   provide the cub with a best life. It was called Christian. Unlike other fierce beasts, Christian was friendly and loving  3 . He often played with John and Ace  4   their faces. It  5  more  5  a family member than just a pet with its masters. They  6  a firm bond. However,  7  became obvious that as Christian grew bigger, the larger place was suitable for it. The two men made up their mind to  8  their friend. In the end, they turned to the  9   conservationist, George Adamson, for help. With his help to create  10  for Christian, it could start a new life on the plains of East Africa.


1.    A) the time            B) when                   C) which                    D) X

2.   A) eager to            B) turned to            C) longed to              D) longed for

3.   A) by nature          B) by profession      C) by trade                D) by definition

4.   A) and to lick         B) and licking          C) , licking                 D) that licking

5.   A) looked, X          B) seemed, X            C) looked, like           D) seemed, as

6.   A) leapt                  B) deserved              C) got                        D) developed

7.   A) which                B) it                          C) that                       D) what

8.   A) part from          B) stay away            C) come from           D) run into

9.   A) well-know        B)well-knew            C)well-known           D)well-knowing

10. A) a herd               B)a pride                  C) a group                 D) a deal



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