
句型 - 再怎樣也不為過  再同意也不為過  can’t agree more  (Updated)


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句型A [ can’t / can never / can hardly / can scarcely ] + [ be / 一般動詞 ] +

                   [ 形容詞或副詞比較級 ] …    (可以can或是could)

句型B  [ be動詞否定 / is never或其他否定副詞 ] + … +

                   [ 形容詞或副詞比較級 ] …

句型C  [ none … ] + … + [ 形容詞或副詞比較級 ] …

句型D [ can’t / can never / can hardly / can scarcely ] + [ be / 一般動詞 ] +

                   [ over-verb 1 / too adj or adv 2 / adj enough 3 / adv enough 4 /

                enough 5/ less 6 ] …    (可以can或是could)    


句型A [ can’t / can never / can hardly / can scarcely ] + [ be / 一般動詞 ] +

                   [ 形容詞或副詞比較級 ] …    (可以can或是could)

1.  What he told us can’t be truer. 


2.  The situation the Travel and Tourism industry faces can’t be worse after COVID-19 broke out. 


3.  Zack could never be happier because Julia accepted his invitation to his party.    Zack再高興也不為過,因為Julia答應他的邀請參加他的派對。

4.  The story told by Mark can hardly be funnier.


5.  We can’t agree more about what he said. 



句型B  [ be動詞否定 / is never或其他否定副詞 ] + … +

                   [ 形容詞或副詞比較級 ] …

1.  For Maurice, morning is never a better time to be a coffee lover.


2.  Apple Inc. finally decided to let Steve Jobs return and become CEO in 1997 because he wasn’t a more suitable person to boost Apple again.

     1997年,蘋果電腦決定讓Steve Jobs回來成為執行長,因為再也沒有比他更適合的人來改善Apple

3.  It isn’t a natural disaster.  The person in charge isn’t to blame more.



句型C  [ none … ] + … + [ 形容詞或副詞比較級 ] …

1.  Due to the intensive practice for weeks in a row, our school basketball team won the championship.  None of the team players should be praised more. 


2.  There are four basic language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing, all of which are equally important when it comes to learning English.  None of them should be valued more.

     當提及學習英文有四種語言技巧 每一種都是同樣重要,再重視每一種也不為過。

3.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  沒有一件事再不真實也不為過 or 事實根本不是這樣  (三民書局高二英文上 第二課 108課綱)


句型D [ can’t / can never / can hardly / can scarcely ] + [ be / 一般動詞 ] +

                   [ over-verb 1 / too adj or adv 2 / adj enough 3 / adv enough 4 /

                enough 5/ less 6 ] …    (可以can或是could)    

1.  Smart phone’s impact on our daily lives cannot be overstated

     智慧型手機對我們日常生活的影響再怎麼誇大也不為過  (D1)

2. When driving, we can’t be too careful.  

     在開車的時候,我們再小心也不為過(越小心越好)  (D2)

3.  Nancy is the person who can’t be smart enough to deal with the issue.

Nancy是對的人選,她再聰明也不為過去處理這問題    (D3)

4. To get high scores on the final exam, we can never study hard enough.

為了在期末考得到高分,我們再努力用功也不為過   (D4)

5.  Our project manager can’t stress enough the importance of teamwork.

     我們的專案經理再強調團隊合作的重要性也不為過   (D5)

6.  You are not my friend.  I couldn’t care about you less

     我一點也不在乎妳  (我再不在乎你也不為過) 毫不在乎   (D6)

7.  Our manager couldn’t care less what we told him in the meeting.

     我們的經理不在乎我們在會議裡跟他說的  (D6)

8.  There are four basic language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing, all of which are equally important when it comes to learning English.  None of them should be valued less有四種基本的語言技能-聽,說,讀和寫,在學習英語時,所有這些都同樣重要。 他們都不應該被低估。

9.  It is never too late to learn.  (It is never too old to learn)

     活到老,學到老 (學無止境)   (D2)

10.  To some great people, it is not too much to say that failure is more valuable than success.

     對某些偉大的人來說,失敗比成功更有價值,這麼一說一點也不為過   (D2)

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