三民  G11-1   U7  The Day Woman Rule  (附答案) Q


1.  My mother was tired of my messy room and decided to give it a good s_____p on the weekends.  I was afraid that she would throw all my toys away.

2.  The n_____n Taiwan is currently the economic center.  A lot of businesses and industries have their headquarters there.

3.  On Saturday night, my father kept s_____hing the c_____ls on the television impatiently.  Since his favorite show stopped, he didn’t know what to watch.

4.  Joey loved to play f_____h with his dog.  He would throw all kinds of things away, and his smart dog could always bring them back.

5.  My teacher tells us that we shouldn’t let the irrational emotions d_____e our thoughts.  We should calm down before making any decisions.

6.  During the difficult exam, Eason couldn’t help himself but to take a g_____e at the answers of his classmates next to him.  He felt really guilty then.

7.  While playing hide and seek, little Emily was so naïve that she thought she could hide herself behind the c_____n.  Everyone could see her toes beside the window!

8.  I wonder whether Joe Biden feels a_____s before the presidential debate.  If I were him, I would be too scared to speak.

9.  Our garage is a horrible d_____p.  My family keep all the unwanted stuff there. There are piles of bottles and boxes there.

10.  Vivian was a victim of d_____c violence when she was little.  Her father would beat her and insult her after drunk.

11.   From my perspective, Linda a_____ely didn’t do her art homework by herself. Her work was flawless, but everyone knew that she can’t draw.

12.  My brother c_____med that he would be late for home because he went to the library.  However, my mom caught him playing basketball at the park.

13.   My uncle is an a_____us man.  He started his own business after he graduated from college, and its annual revenue reached fifty million dollars last year. 

14.  Brianna loves the cartoon “Family Guy”.  She found it really a_____sing and sometimes the characters would say something worth pondering.

15.   The kids in this kindergarten couldn’t go home u_____s they finish their homework.  I think it is inappropriate since they are too young to have that much work.

16.   After the party, Mason i_____ted on driving me home.  I found it weird because I barely knew him.

17.   The little boy g_____les when his father tickles him on the waist.  They look so happy together, forming an adorable image.

18.  Peter’s company hires a new CEO from an IT company and hopes that he can r_____e the situation in which his company has been in the red for three years.

19.   As the economy develops, most h_____ds have at least one car and one scooter in Taiwan. 

20. A manufacturing plant manager takes the s_____y role to ensure that all goods are produced effectively and efficiently.

21.  We saw Eric hit the ball s_____ely.  Wow!  It was a home run.


1.  Edna hired a babysitter to _____ her baby twins before she got off work.  She didn’t want to bother her own parents.

     A) chase after          B) take after               C) look after              D) bring after

2.  As Christmas was approaching and business was booming, two part-time workers were hired to _____ the storekeeper in the gift shop.

     A) watch over         B) help out                 C) work on                D) take part

3.  Mrs. Jones has devoted herself _____ biomedical knowledge.  Her biggest wish is to discover the vaccine for all the diseases.

     A) to study             B) in studying            C) for studying          D) to studying

4.  After _____ this company, Martha successfully boosted the sales and had many new contracts signed.  She was really good at her job.

     A) taking over         B) looking over          C) putting aside         D) taking out   

5.  Flora was asked to _____ the workload of her partner, Bruce, for he suddenly resigned for no reasons.  She felt very stressed.   (M)

     A) take on               B) bring on                C) shoulder on          D) carry on

6.  We all know Ariana Grande is a world-renowned super star.  She is known _____ her _____ voice when singing.

     A) to, high-pitched                                    B) to, high-pitching    

     C) for, high-pitched                                   D) for, high-pitching

7.  _____ by her best friend, Marian felt depressed and humiliated.  She didn’t want to go to school anymore.

     A) Laughed            B) Being laughed        C) Laughed at            D) Being laughed at

8.  My grandma personally buys into the belief _____ a person points at the moon, it will slash his or her ears.  It might be a ridiculous myth, but she believes it very much.

     A) which if              B) which is if              C) that if                    D) that is if

9.  Tom, my brother, _____ on the sofa _____ on his potato chips, while I studied in my room.  I wondered how could he be so carefree and relaxed. 

     A) lies, and munches                                 B) lied, and munched

     C) lays, and munches                                 D) laid, and munched

     E) lay, and munches                                   F) lay, munching

10.  Just the thought of countless tasks _____ her made Joyce panic.  She was too tired to do any job.

       A) waiting            B) awaiting                 C) wait for                 D) await for

11.   My grandparents live in the countryside _____ the lifestyle there is very slow and simple.  We visit them _____ in a while.   (M)

       A) which; every      B) that; once            C) where; once          D) , which; every

       E) in which; once                 F) in which; every                  G) in which; every once

12.  _____ the students finished the test sheet, he handed it in right away and left the classroom.  The teacher yelled at him _____ him back.

       A) Since, and tried to get                       B) Since, trying to get 

       C) Although, and tried getting              D) As, tried to get

       E) As, to try getting                                F) Once, trying to get 

       G) Once, and tried getting                      H) If, to try to get

13.   Carlos consumes as _____ as his father when having dinner. It is kind of shocking because he is just seven years old.

       A) long                  B) soon                      C) well                        D) much

14.  Choose the wrong ones.   (M)

       A)You should have never talked to your friend that way yesterday unless you had any proper reasons.  It was very impolite of you to do so.

       B) You should have never talked to your friends two days ago that way even if you have proper reasons.  It was very impolite of you to do so.   

       C) lan’ll be pissed at your false decision unless you fix up everything before he knows.  I feel sorry for you.

       D) Alan would be pissed at your false decision if you never fix up everything before he knows.  I feel sorry for you.  

15.   Choose the wrong ones.   (M)

       A)Alice has been modeling for the brand GAP for years.  Additionally, she also started an online business at the beginning of the year.

       B) Rita didn’t join the volunteering group this summer.  Additionally, she didn’t go to the summer camp, either.

       C) In my office, Benny was the only one who doesn’t wear the uniform. Additionally, everyone does. 

       D) Tom bought a great number of comic books yesterday.  Additionally, he also got his car wash.  What an efficient day for him!  

16.   Last week, my father strongly asked that my little brother _____ his smartphone for 20 minutes only daily since he had spent too much time on it.

       A) uses                  B) used                       C) use                         D) not use

17.   Because Nicolas has longed to become a department supervisor, he has been devoted his energy and time _____ excellently on his job.

       A) to performing         B) to perform       C) perform                 D) performed


1   Tommy在掃地的時候,Tommy的媽媽在摺衣服。當他媽媽稱讚他的勤奮時,他正開心地咯咯傻笑。


2.  Jones太太很迷信(superstitious), 在萬聖節夜晚,她焦慮又緊張地看了一眼窗戶,怕會有鬼。


3.  Phillip與朋友正在這國家的北部旅行。在此同時,其中二人計劃在那裡買房子。


4.  Richard會過胖,除非他減重。  (二種寫法 1> if,  2> unless)


For a long time, women often have played the ___1___ role in many cultures.  No one knows where the stereotype comes from.  However, women actually have great influence on all the human beings.  First of all, they give us lives.  They breed us with affection and absolute care.  ___2___, they support the family while other members are out there __3__ a living. They never complain nor go on strikes.  In that case, how come the world has discriminations on them?

In some regions, women are asked __4__ up their faces, and they usually cannot appear publicly without a man’s __5__.  It is because the cultures make them to __6__ the customs.  Not many a person __7__ out to speak up for the group.  From time to time, there might be a campaign or a march.  Women’s right is an issue all over the world and cannot __8__ again.  __9__ an individual might not be strong enough to make a difference, we can get together and use the power of the crowd to create some effective changes.


1.   A) superior                B) inferior                  C) former                D) latter

2.  A) Therefore           B) Nevertheless         C) Meanwhile            D) Surprisingly

3.  A) having                B) to have                  C) making                  D) to make

4.  A) about covering      B) to cover            C) for covering          D) to covering

5.  A) accompany        B) accompanied         C) companying          D) companion

6.  A) abide with          B) obey                      C) along with             D) following

7.  A) step                     B) steps                      C) stepping                D) to step

8.  A) ignorant             B) ignoring                C) be ignored             D) ignore

9.  A) Although           B) As                          C) As long as             D) No matter how



三民  G11-1   U7  The Day Woman Rule   答案

1. sweep                         2. northern              3. inappropriate  channels

4. fetch                       5. dominate              6. glimpse                 7. curtain        

8. anxious                    9. dump                     10. domestic           11. absolutely   

12. claimed                  13. ambitious            14. amusing               15. unless  

16. insisted                   17. giggles                   18. reverse                 19. households  

20. supervisory            21. squarely               


1. C                                2. B                             3. D                             4. A

5. AD                            6. C                             7. C                             8. C

9. F                                10. B                           11. CEG                       12. F

13. D                              14. BD                         15. CD                        16. C

17. A                            


1.  While Tommy was sweeping the floor, Tommy’s mother folded the clothes.  He was giggling happily when his mother praised him for his diligence.

2.  Mrs. Jones was very superstitious.  On Halloween night, she took a glimpse at the window anxiously and nervously for fear of ghosts.

3.  Phillip and his friends are traveling in the northern part of this country, meanwhile, two of whom want to buy houses there.  .


1)  Richard will be overweight unless he loses his weight.

2) Richard will be overweight if he doesn’t lose his weight.


1. B                                2. C                            3. C                             4. B

5. D                               6. B                             7. B                             8. C

9. A

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