翰林  G11-1    L7   The Price of Captivity    (附答案)    Q


1.  My brother finally returned home after serving in the military for several years.  My mother prepared all of his favorite dishes to satisfy his a_____e.

2.  Joanne didn’t like to follow the schedule assigned by the company.  However, her boss wanted her to p_____e herself to cooperate with other colleagues.

3.  In Les Miserables (悲慘世界), Jean Valjean was i_____ned for nineteen years because of merely stealing a loaf of bread. When he finished his sentence, he was almost forty.

4.  Having nothing specifically to plan for the afternoon, Miss Lu decided to r_____m the street to kill time.

5.  It is said that David Beckham and her wife Victoria had e_____ted the symptoms of COVID-19 after joining a football event in Los Angeles in March.

6.  My little brother was very furious about my mother because she read his diary.  He yelled that she had invaded his p_____y.

7.  Knowing that his own sister gets admitted to her ideal university s______tes Brad to make up his mind to quit video games and start to study harder.

8.  Some animals r______e at a very low rate, which caused their population to drop. Many zoologists have worked on this problem for years to seek solutions.

9.  The refugees in the shelter could hardly s______e on the resources from some charities. They need more supply and assistance from the outside.

10.  Whenever I get the blues, my dog would jump onto my laps and keep me c_____y. Feeling his affection would make me feel better.

11.   The plastic waste has posted a serious threat to m_____e life. Many fishes or turtles were found to have plastic bags in their stomachs.

12.  The kidnapper held the stray boy c_____e to threaten his parents to pay a ransom.

13.   After the car accident, Robert suffered from multiple i_____ries and was hospitalized for more than one month.

14.  The l_____e in the east coast of Taiwan is very gorgeous.  The fresh air and the blue ocean help it win the nickname “the back yard of Taiwan”.

15.   My father really missed the c_____p of his fellows when he was serving in the military.  They shared a lifetime bonding together.

16.   The improvement of public transportations acts as a s_____s to tourism industry. More and more people are willing to travel farther than before.

17.   Many parents in Taiwan prefer to send their children to p_____e schools these years. They think those schools may offer better quality of education, so they’re willing to pay higher education fee.


1.  In the fairytale, the witch cast multiple spells on the knight _____ to stop him from saving the princess.  Eventually her magic power was drained out and died.

     A) like lightening    B) like crazy             C) like blues                   D) like wild

2.  Although the live-action movie (真人版電影) was highly anticipated at first, it was revealed to be _____ a disaster after its release.  Everyone hated it.

     A) any but               B) anything but      C) something but        D) nothing but

3.  Julia was devastated several years ago.  She went through a divorce and unemployment. Fortunately, she is _____ now after finding a new job.

     A) cool off               B) piss off                 C) knock off                 D) better off

4.  For the new project, I think I _____ Anthony’s idea. He has considered all aspects, including the potential risks.  It indeed sounds great.

     A) identify with       C) is identified with         B) identify as           D) is identified as

5.  Human beings _____ take care of the environment since they’ve developed and polluted it so much.  They should be responsible for what they have done..

     A) meant to            B) mean to              C) are meant to            D) are meaning to

6.  If Freddie had paid more attention to his own children, he _____ so unfamiliar with them. They all refused to visit him because they were never close.

     A) should have been                                  B) would not have to be         

     C) would be                                                D) would not have been

7.  If I _____ able to reset my life, I definitely _____ harder this time. I am sick of failing and getting turned down.

     A) was; will have worked                            B) be; would work 

     C) were; will work                                        D) were; would work

8.  _____ Joyce _____ part in the speech, she _____ the chance to win the big prize. Now she can only envy her friend.    (M)

     A) But for, took, would have had               B) If, took, would have

     C) X, took, had                                             D) If, had taken, had

     E) If, takes, will have                                     F) Had, taken, would have had

9.  _____ Maya still single, she _____ around the world freely.  However, she has to be responsible and take care of her family now.

     A) Being; could have traveled                    B) Were; could travel 

     C) Was; could travel                                   D) Had been; could have traveled

10.  _____, this artwork was finished by an elementary student.  He painted it all by himself without anyone’s help.

       A) Hardly to believe    B) Hardly believing      C) Hard to believe  D) Hard believing


11.   Schools in rural regions _____ resource to support their students to pursue higher education, _____  motivated the society to raise money for it.   (M)

       A) lacked of, that         B) lacking of, which     C) was lack of, which       D) lacked, which

       E) lacking of, as     F) lacked, as            

12.  Choose the RIGHT ones.   (M)

       A) Ruben is always disrespectful to women.  Were he a woman himself, he might understand to be nicer and politer.

       B) Had it not been for your help, I could never finish this project.  I have to buy you a meal to express my gratitude.     

       C) Were it not for the bad weather, I could have visited you earlier. I think we should schedule another time.      

       D) Alice failed to get the last limited edition pair of shoes. Had she gotten up earlier, she might successfully buy it.      

       E) If I had had enough money to buy an apartment when I was in a local company, I would tell my friends proudly that I have a house now.

13.   Choose the wrong ones.    (M)

       A) Joseph’s father makes a great deal of money every month to support his family. They lead a carefree life all thanks to his father’s diligence.

       B) Carrie bought a great amount of groceries from the store.  She had a difficult time bring them home because they were too heavy.    

       C) Lucy carried a plenty of boxes at a time and tripped herself.  Many people rushed to help her as soon as she dropped all of the boxes.   

       D) Riley spent huge numbers of time reading in the library. She really enjoys exploring the world of literature and fictions.      

       E) Procrastinating is a bad habit, as all of the students know. 

       F) Natalie’s son came home safe and sound, she relieving totally.   

14.   Choose the correct ones.   (M)

       A) He has lied to us several times.  He is anything but a liar.     

       B) Holly hasn’t lied to us.  She is nothing but a liar.     

       C) My dad usually doesn’t do anything while at home.

       D) Hard to believe, Nick lied to us.

       E) Natalie tore the envelope open, his son helped her read the letter inside. 

       F) Staying up late studying is bad for us, as was told by teachers again and again.

       G) As told by teachers again and again, staying up late studying is bad for us.


1.  如果你上個月沒有一再地吃宵夜,你也不會超重。如果我是你,我會開始拚命地運動來減重。


2.  因為缺乏材料(materials),醫療口罩的供應無法趕上需求。人們逐漸地失去耐心並對此感到恐慌(panic)


3.  我們不應該干預(interfere with)海洋的環境太多。老實說,我們應該讓大自然順其自然。


Do you believe that environment can drive a creature crazy?  This is definitely not an exaggeration __1__ animals would really lose their mind when being kept in tiny __2__ for too long.  Here I’m not talking about traps set by vicious hunters but the seeming animal paradise - zoos.  People love visiting zoos __3__ it is a perfect relaxing place for (tourists of) all ages.  __4__ to say, zoos are always full of a large __5__ of visitors.  While they are busy adoring those cute animals in the cages or behind the bars and fences, they forget to notice how small these spaces are.

Animals are meant to live in the wilderness __6__ they have endless places to run, roam, or just take a nap.  __7__ in restricted areas not only does them no good but also triggers their mental disorders.  Some bears or tigers would scratch the walls until their nails and claws bleed, __8__ some giraffes would lick the bars or even bang their heads on them. __9__, most tourists would only __10__ such events __10__ cute actions.  As a result, they wouldn’t report the situation to the zoo keepers, leaving the animals slowly bleeding alone.


1.  A) that                     B) what                    C) which                       D) ,which

2.  A) closures              B) closes                   C) enclosures                D) encloses

3.  A) by                        B) for                       C) upon                        D) with

4.  A) Curious               B) Strange                C) Needless                   D) Sad

5.  A) amount              B) number               C) deal                           D) bit

6.  A) which                  B) what                    C) where                       D) when

7.  A) Confining           B) To confine          C) Confined                  D) Being confined

8.  A) whether              B) where                  C) which                       D) whereas

9.  A) Unfortunately    B) Consequently     C) Correctly                 D)Tremendously

10.  A) see… to be     B) consider… as      C) think of… to be      D) regard… as

        E) take … to be  F) perceive … to be       (M)


翰林  G11-1    L7   The Price of Captivity   答案


1.  appetite                     2. pace                     3. imprisoned             4. roam

5.  exhibited                    6. privacy                7. stimulates              8. reproduce

9.  survive                        10. company          11. marine                  12. captive

13. injuries                       14. landscape           15. companionship   16. stimulus

17. private                                                        


1. B                                2. D                             3. D                             4. A

5. C                               6. D                             7. D                             8. BF

9. B                                10. C                           11. DF                          12. AE

13. BCDF                       14. CDFG                   


1.  If you hadn’t had night snacks repeatedly last month, you wouldn’t have been overweight. If I were you, I would start to exercise like crazy to lose weight.


2.  For lack of materials, the supply of medical masks cannot keep pace with the demand. People gradually lose patience and get panicked about it.   (keep up with)


3.  We shouldn’t interfere with the marine environment too much.  Honest to say, we should let the nature run its course.


1. A                               2. C                            3. B                             4. C

5. B                                6. C                             7. D                             8. D

9. A                               10. DH                                                          

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