翰林 G11-2 L1 Are You Proactive or Reactive (附答案) Q
1. Kate has been angry with Carmella as she has already been stood up by Carmella twice. Thus, as getting stood up once again, Kate is f_____s.
2. Being jailed for treason, Nina has been separated from her beloved daughter for years. She is so k_____n to see her little girl that she even tried to bribe the guards for a visit.
3. A r_____h statement from a political figure can always lead to public relation crisis, since their speech has enormous influence on the society.
4. Kevin has been dreamt of s_____ling around Paris leisurely since he was a child.
5. Noah’s unwillingness of doing the job is obvious. Yet, as it is the boss’ demand, he accomplishes it r_____tly.
6. Albert Einstein once r_____ked: “if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” A great statement indeed!
7. Ferdinando is i_____ued by Anderson’s extraordinary thoughts and behavior. That is how their friendship gets started.
8. The scientists have been dedicated to a_____zing all the phenomena and finding out the mechanisms behind them.
9. Although the next e_____r could be potentially the worse one, we still need to try for the better ones.
10. Lots of people claim with a s_____r that art is nothing but meaningless luxury, despite its immense effect on human minds. Do you agree on the remark.
11. Even though many people treat the others o_____ely to serve their own temper, some of us do try to maintain a good atmosphere with gentleness.
12. It m_____ts itself that love is the common drive of life for every living being. It is everything and anything in our life, no matter good or evil.
13. The rescue must start i_____ely. If it passes the golden 72 hours, the chance of survival is slim.
14. Although it is a good proposal, it is not a_____e in this specific situation. You had better come up with another one.
15. This c_____t of shouting in public, though being nothing illegal, is still disgraceful.
16. Despite the seeming insignificance, this specific detail in the movie actually i_____plied the director’s racist view.
17. E_____ging his parents with a terrible test result, Eric is banned from any type of entertainment until he improves his performance.
18. Albert has been h_____ring a fear against the midterm exam since he failed his first midterm exam after entering high school.
19. After one year of hard work, Mandy is c_____ting taking a long vacation with his family in Japan and New Zealand.
1. Alice has been afraid of interacting with the others, since she heard her classmates saying mean things about her _____.
A) in her back B) at her back C) behind her back D) behind her
2. Sarah had tried everything to _____ Samuel _____ cheating on the exam, yet her efforts were in vain as Samuel got caught in the act of cheating. (M)
A) make; out of B) make; out from C) talk; out from D) talk; out of
E) talk; from F) talk; not to G) persuade; out of H) persuade; into
I) persuade; to J) persuade; not to K) dissuade; out of L) dissuade; from
3. On her way to her grandmother’s cottage, the Little Red Riding Hood _____ a bright bloom of wild flowers. (M)
A) dropped in B) dropped by C) dropped off D) dropped out
4. Although Alex always treats his friends _____ great courtesy and patience, he is rude and ruthless _____ his parents.
A) with; to B) to; with C) by; with D) with; in
5. It is good for your health to be _____ consuming less sugar and anything sugary.
A) on habit of B) in habit of C) inside habit of D) onto habit of
6. If we take a wrong way, using wrong method, we will be destined to fail _____ all our efforts and sacrifices.
A) regarding of B) regardless C) regarding D) regardless of
7. It is commonly suggested that we should _____ more _____ utility than design, but what if design itself could be a utility?
A) focus; at B) focus; in C) focus; of D) focus; on
8. William is indeed the embodiment of ruthlessness. His twin brother Wilson, _____, is a demonstration of kindheartedness. (M)
A) with contrast B) by contrast C) on contrast D) on contrary
E) by contrary F) on the contrary
9. If Percy has to give up something for money-saving, he will stop shopping clothes _____ cutting his food budget. (M)
A) rather B) rather than C) more than D) instead of
E) instead F) as opposed to G) in preference to
10. Sarah is profoundly disappointed by the unfavorable grades she got _____ her math final exam.
A) at B) in C) on D) from
11. Cooking a nice meal consumes lots of time and labor and needs plenty of learning and practice. _____, it is a job requiring interest and patience. (M)
A) At short B) Simply by C) As short D) Simply put
E) Put simply F) Simply out G) In short H) In a nutshell
12. Choose the right ones. (M)
A) It was not until Maria got her results of final exam that she relieved to have fun with her friends.
B) Abel never stops working until the day he died.
C) Cinderella was in the ball and dancing with the prince not until the midnight bell rang.
D) Not until Jennifer apologizes to her brother did he ever talk to her.
E) Since yesterday’s evening, in order to finish her project, Sophia has stayed in the laboratory till now.
13. Choose the wrong ones. (M)
A) You set off so early, so how drive you arrived so late?
B) If the price of this necklace is too much for you, how about this silver ring? It looks tiny and yet still well crafted.
C) How are you fixed in Eleanor’s birthday present? I still can’t think of a thing.
D) How brave you stole my cookies and ate them in front of me!
E) “How do you like my new house?” “Um, it will be better with a darker wallpaper.”
F) How does a living thing like to eat such a dish? Can’t imagine the cook’s taste.
14. Choose the right ones. (M)
A) In the control of her appetite, Cecil brought a dozen of egg tarts and ate them all in a night.
B) Allen is unhappy since his life is at his father’s strict control.
C) If you were in control of your emotion, you would not shout at me for such a trivial thing.
D) Serena is always calm and confident, since everything is in her control.
E) If we want to take down the control of our own life, we must first learn about why we are dominated by others.
F) Trying to take back the control of the TV, Dalia has a fight with her sister.
G) As the situation became out of control, the tragedy of stampede happened.
15. Choose the right ones. (M)
A) To a certain extent, the twin brothers were to blame on what happened last Friday.
B) Some students blamed their insufficient sleep for tons of homework.
C) Audrey strongly blamed her younger sister for losing her iPhone.
D) Mike blamed himself for his failure to win Teresa’s heart.
E) The homeless blamed their unemployment for government’s failure to help them.
1. 前任美國總統Donald Trump 的不少衝動言論都被認為是與性別歧視(sexism) 和種族主義(racism) 相關之冒犯性評論。
2. Gray語帶嘲諷地告訴其他人Eric外表看來溫和且客氣有禮,但其實是個糟糕的人。當Eric聽聞Gray如何在他背後說他,他怒不可遏。
What will you do when you know somebody says mean things about you behind your back or pulls a long face to you even though you have done nothing? Many of us may be keen to confront __1__ the unpleasant ones immediately and had a fight with them, or give them a taste of their own medicine: treat them the same way they treated you. They are the methods we are used to, yet, are they the only choices we could make to deal with unpleasant situations? Not necessarily.
__2__ our anger and frustration by shouting out “I hate you” or putting on a long face for an entire day is, of course, understandable. After all, the blame is not ours. It is the person __3__ ill of the others and the one who pulls a long face without a reason that start the fire. However, playing __4__ victim cannot help the situation, and perhaps even worsens it. If we are always __5__ to anything bad that happens to us, __6__ all the time, the problem won’t be solved and we will probably feel worse, not better. Certainly, treating one with great __7__ no matter __8__ hostile and nasty one __9__, and putting on a happy face regardless of the situation are both unrealistic. Yet, being proactive is not just about __10__ positive. It means we will try to adopt various strategies to different situations and to be the one who is in control of the situation. Nobody could do it to perfection, but the more we apply it to our life, the more pleasant life we could enjoy.
1. A) with B) x C) at D) to (M)
2. A) Pouring B) Leaking C) Venting D) Draining
3. A) expressing B) commenting C) speaking D) criticizing
4. A) a B) the C) as D) X (M)
5. A) susceptive B) reactive C) sensitive D) receptive
6. A) whispering B) mumbling C) confiding D) grumbling
7. A) courtesy B) manner C) behavior D) concern
8. A) which B) what C) whose D) how
9. A) has been B) to be C) is being D) has
10. A) be B) to be C) try to be D) being
翰林 G11-2 L1 Are You Proactive or Reactive 答案
1. furious 2. keen 3. rash 4. strolling
5. reluctantly 6. remarked 7. intrigued 8. analyzing
9. encounter 10. sneer 11. offensively 12. manifests
13. immediately 14. applicable 15. conduct 16. implied
17. Enraging 18. harboring 19. contemplating
1. C 2. DGL 3. AB 4. A
5. B 6. D 7. D 8. BF
9. BDFG 10. C 11. DEGH 12. AE
13. ACDF 14. CDFG 15, CD
1. Many rash statements from the former US president Donald Trump are considered to be offensive comments which could be related to sexism and racism.
2. Gray told the others with a sneer that Eric appeared to be gentle and courteous but was actually a nasty person. When Eric heard how Gray talked about him behind his back, he was furious.
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. BD
5. B 6. D 7. AB 8. D
9. A 10. D