
龍騰  高二下 英文   U8  Too Much of a Good Thing - Overtourism in Barcelona  (附答案)  Q



1.  The concert was so crowded that the people were o_____wing onto the street.

2.  He was the only survivor of this massive avalanche, and it’s extremely lucky for him to have such n_____w escape.

3.  After a very long time of computer language programming, he was so exhausted to the e_____t that he fell asleep the second he touched his bed.

4.  I should probably d_____e the offer that this suspicious netizen gave me.  All things considered, I think he is just catfishing.

5.  Because many people don’t take wearing masks seriously, the number of those infected raises d_____lly.

6.  The proverb “Birds of a feather f_____k together” reminds people of the importance of choosing and making friends.

7.  The famous physicist Stephen Hawking once predicted that the alien i_____n might be the cause of human extinction.

8.  Due to our certain employee’s terrible service attitude, we’ve been getting a lot of c_____ts lately.

9.  Tom as a very t_____s person; from his point of view, the whole world revolves around him.

10.  The landlord kicked his t_____t out of her building because he violates the no-pet policy.

11. Many people are p_____l to basketball, but victor likes baseball better.  He thinks basketball is too violent.

12.  These courses are not c_____y.  In other words, they are o_____l, and you can choose whatever you like.

13.   If the government doesn’t take m_____es to combat crimes, the citizen will be living in great danger.

14.  Engineer is a job that requires a lot of c_____n because there is no error tolerance when it comes to programming.

15.   Mr. White is such a perfectionist; he always s_____es for perfection and always demands his work to be i_____e.

16.   Disney is a huge corporation owning a lot of copyrights of movies, comics, and animations.  They can easily make a great fortune by l_____sing its copyrights.

17.   People are bound to have n_____e thoughts from time to time.  But we should still look at the bright side and lead our life in a p_____e way.


1. All three racers performed really well in the race.  So, the debate of who will have the last laugh is still _____.  (M)

     A) in question             B) in the doubt          C) beyond question     D) beyond doubt

     E) out of the question     F) without a doubt        G) questionable

2.  The basketball player torn his ligament, so it is _____ that he will be playing the playoffs.  (M)

     A) without question   B) out of the question   C) beyond question     D) out of question

     E) no doubt                 F) beyond doubt            G) questionable

3.  The exam of linear algebra is so hard _____ that barely anyone passes the test.

     A) to what extent        B) to such an extend      C) to extent             D) to such an extent

4.  Randy _____ the monotony of his job.  That’s why he decided to quit and sought for other job opportunities.  (M)

     A) tired of                    B) is fed with              C) is fed up with          D) is feed with 

5.  Rudy is a heavy drinker; some even say that he is an alcoholic.  He often drinks so much alcohol that he can’t help but _____.  (M)

     A) throw off                B) vomit up               C) puke up                   D) throw up

6.  This course requires a lot of attention.  So it is best if you can _____ what the professor says in class.   (M)

     A) bring down             B) take note of          C) take down               D) take care of

7.  You need to stop being so arrogant.  _____ accept you as one of our friends.  (M)

     A) Only then we can                                      B) Only then we will   

     C) Only then can we                                       D) Only when we will

     E) Just then can we                                         F) Just then we can

8.  Usually I like to ride my bike to work every day.  _____ drive my car.  (M)

     A) Only if it rains I will                                   B) Only if it rains will I

     C) Only when it is raining I                            D) Only when it rains do I

     E) Only then does it rain I will                       F) Only then it rains do I

9.  Choose the correct ones   (M)

     A) Only when he had a heart attack did he realize his bad health.

     B) Only after a stricter policy has been made will the citizens obey the law.

     C) Only with Pythagoras’ theorem can we solve the geometric problem.

     D) He is such a stubborn person.  Only when he suffers the consequence he will change his mind.

     E) Only by providing solid proof your statement will be taken into consideration.

     F) We will consider your proposal only if you can prove it is practical.

     G) Only to find she was out of the town did Nick go to Taipei to see Cathy yesterday.

10.  The amount of practice we are having now is _____ their amount of practice.

       A) two times greater                                    B) twice more than   

       C) two times much as                                  D) twice as much as

       E) two times                                                F) double

11.   The density of a black ho le is _____ any substance in the universe.

       A) infinite larger than                                  B) infinite as large as  

       C) infinite times larger than                        D) infinite times as larger as

12.  Choose the wrong ones  (M)

       A) You can’t just question your opponent whenever you want in a debate.  Only at the rebuttal session can you do that. 

       B) You must stop whining right now.  Only then we can focus on how to solve the problem.  

       C) Not only is he a straight-A student, but also he can play many musical instruments.  

       D) The pandemic is still harming the world.  Only when we obey the anti-epidemic policies the situation can get better.   

       E) When the patient was sent in the emergency room.  Hardly could the doctor have any time to react because the patient’s condition was so bad.

13.   Choose the correct ones.  (M)

       A) No sooner had the law enforcement action started than the crime rate began to fall.

       B) Not until he failed the test severely did he realize that he should start studying.

       C) Under no circumstances Kobe Bryant will take his defeat.  He will never give up and can always get back on his feet. 

       D) The amount of horsepower in a formula 1 racing car is 10 times as much as ordinary household cars.

      E) I would pay twice as much as for this limited basketball player card.  


1   他們家住在郊區,這就是為什麼他的房子比我們房子大1.5倍。



2.  我們必須加快我們的生產步調,唯有到那時我們才會開始賺錢。



        Europe is a continent that relies most of its revenue on the tourist industry.  For tourists, they would never need to worry about what to see next.  The only problem here is where to go.  One of the cities __1__ is Barcelona, Spain, which each year receives more than 15 times as many visitors as its residents.  There are people everywhere, even in the __2__ passageways.  The overflow (of people) is just a regular scene in Barcelona.

        What Barcelona is suffering is called “overtourism”, and the situation has worsened __3__ the quality of the residents in Barcelona has __4__ __5__.  However, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing.  Hotels and restaurants get to expand their business due to tourists.  Nevertheless, it is the city’s resident who will bear the consequence.  And this invasion of tourist has caused a lot of problems.

        There are complaints about thoughtless visitors everywhere.  Residents are fed up with finding tourists throwing up on the streets outside nightclubs.  And many tenants find it hard to rent a house, because many landlords are partial to rent their house through Airbnb.  With all things considered, many people are reevaluating the option of leaving the city.  Luckily, the government began to take measures to counter the tourist problems like taking down those __6__ Airbnb.  It has been said that tourism is a double-edge sword, and the balance between local residents and tourists is the key.

        It is clear that the Barcelona government is trying their best to deal with the problem. And __7__ that only when the government makes a practical and sustainable law regarding the tourism __8__ the “overtourism” problem.


1.  A) without question   B) in question            C) beyond question     D) in the question  (M)

2.  A) most narrow        B) narrowest                C) narrated                   D) narrowed

3.  A) to such an extent that                              B) to much extent that  

     C) to an extent that                                        D) so much of the extent that       (M)

4.  A) declaimed             B) declared                   C) declined                   D) descended  (M)

5.  A) deliberately           B) drastically                C) eccentrically            D) dramatically (M)

6.  A) inlicensed              B) licensed                   C) licensure                  D) unlicensed

7.  Choose the right ones  (M)

     A) it is in question                                         B) it is without a doubt

     C) it is out of the question                            D) it is undoubted           (M)

8.  A) they can stop       B) they will stop          C) can they stop          D) should they stop



龍騰  高二下 英文 U8  Too Much of a Good Thing - Overtourism in Barcelona    答案


1.  overflowing               2. narrow                 3. extent                     4. decline.

5.  dramatically               6. flock                    7. invasion                  8. complaints

9.  thoughtless                10. tenant                11. partial                    12-1. compulsory

12-2. optional              13. measures           14. concentration      15-1. strives       

15-2. Impeccable            16. licensing             17-1. Negative            17-2. positive


1. AG                             2. BG                          3. D                             4. AC

5. BCD                          6. BC                           7. CF                           8. BD

9. ABCF                        10. D                           11. C                           12. BCD

13. ABD                                                                                               


1.  They live in the suburbs, and that’s why their house is one and a half times bigger than our house. 


2.  We need to pick/speed up our production pace.  Only then will we start to make money.  


1. AC                             2. B                             3. AC                          4. CD

5. BD                             6. D                             7. BD                           8. C

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