高一下英文翰林版  G10   Unit 1  When in Rome, Eat Like a Roman    (附答案)  Q


1.  Consumption of pigs is a forbidden for Muslims, so they must observe the t_____o on eating pork.

2. We were wined and d_____ned by our host at the best restaurant in town last night.

3.  An automatic car can take the e_____t out of driving and relieve driver’s tension.

4. Nighttime sleep schedules may change with age; therefore, many older adults t_____d to get sleepier earlier in the evening and awaken earlier in the morning.

5.  In traditional or super market, fruits and vegetables v_____y in quality and availability according to the season.  In-season produce is fresher and tastes better, sweeter and riper. 

6.  In Konrad Lorenz's imprinting theory, baby goslings r_____d the first moving object as their mother.

7.  Don’t straight cross the road.  Be m_____l of vehicles nearby before walking to the other side.

8.  A_____tly, the bride’s parents are not into their daughter’s decision. You can tell from their facial expression.

9.  Many people remain blissfully i_____t about the dangers of too much sun on the beach for tanned skin color.

10.  It’s wise to do some r_____h before buying something pricey, especially a house.

11.   Karen wants to fulfill her dream to study a_____d so she works hard on her subjects.

12.  Over the year, Jack has lost his job and house. To add i_____t to injury, his parents passed away in the same year. 

13.   Richard’s parents are keen on work ethic and equip him with impeccable m_____rs.

14.  Since we don’t have enough beds for guests, the sofa has to s_____e as a bed.

15.   Social e_____e dictates that men cannot sit while women are standing.

16.   In front of a lot of people, Linda mistaken me for Ted, and she blushed with e_____t. 

17.   Usually, my mom will put the l_____rs not eaten in previous supper into my dad’s lunchbox. 

18.   It is good that environmental a_____s has increased over the last decade.  Therefore, we can see a lot of people will bring their bags to carry the things they buy at supermarkets. 

19.   It is Japan that h_____ted the Summer Olympics in 2021, which was postponed due to COVID-19. 


1.  It’s proper to understand other cultures’ ______ before traveling there.

     A) in and out               B) pros and cons        C) bits and bobs            D) do’s and don’ts

2. Thomas isn’t worried about getting lost in a new city; _____, he hates to follow what has planned.

     A) instead of                B) rather than              C) instead                     D) except

3.  Please make sure _____ the house is properly locked before you leave. 

     A) of                             B) that                          C) with                         D) which

4. Choose the wrong ones 

     A) Tina can’t ensure that she will show up in the meeting on time.

     B) Tina can’t ensure us that she will show up in the meeting on time.

     C) Tina can’t assure us that she will show up in the meeting on time.

     D) Tina can’t insure that she will show up in the meeting on time.

5.  It is _____ bad manners in some cultures to speak with your mouth full of food.

     A) considered              B) referred to              C) looked up on         D) regarded

6.  You should keep _____ of your bags while you’re at the airport. Thieves may be around you.

     A) tight                        B) sight                         C) light                         D) alert

7.  Don’t smoke inside the house. The room will be _____ the smell of cigarettes.

     A) fed with                   B) added to                  C) filled with                D) varied with

8.  Alan was lucky _____ survive from the car accident in his nineteen.

     A) enough                   B) enough to               C) enough that            D) enough with

9.  Choose the right one

     A) It seems that no one had the answer of the question, which disappointed the teacher.

     B) He seems that one of the best directors around the world.  

     C) I’ve already paid the fee but I haven’t received the notification, so I think there seems to have been a mistake.     

     D) The shoe store seems to having various kind of sporting shoes and footwear.

10.  Choose the wrong ones   (2)

     A) The person with whom he is negotiating is the Chairman of a large company.

        B) The jungle in which the tribe lived was full of strange and unusual animals. 

        C) Taiwan is the country in that I was born.    

        D) No one knows the girl to who John is talking.    

11.    Choose the wrong one

        A) Rather than going out with friends, he chooses to stay home with family on Xmas day.   

        B) If you don’t like to watch movies, we can go shopping rather than instead.  

        C) I would smile and walk away instead of arguing with an irascible man.

        D) She would remain poor rather than earn money by dishonest means.   

12.   Choose the right one

        A) It’s nice of you to pick me up from the train station on such a freezing night.

        B) This is impossible to him to pass the math quiz. It’s too difficult for an elementary student.  

        C) It’s safer turning off electronics in the house before going out.   

        D) To arrive at school on time are difficult for my brothers since they wake up late.

13.   Choose the wrong one

        A) Blue whale is thought of as the largest mammal animal on Earth.

        B) Thread Snakes are considered the world’s smallest snakes at about 4.3 inches in length.

        C) The Hummingbird which deemed the smallest bird measures 2.2 inches in length.

        D) The rough skinned newt is referred to as the most poisonous salamander.

14.  Choose the wrong ones   (2)

     A) As a new comer, Ginger is not familiar with the school regulations.

        B) Since Ginger is new to our school, the school regulations are not familiar with her.

        C) We all know children are ignorant of politics.

        D) The aged are usually content to their lives in a small group of people.  

15.   After divorce, it is difficult for the single parent to _____ his or her children alone.

       A) care                       B) custody                    C) look                         D) tend

16.   In the company, employees _____ arrive late at the office and leave early.  In addition, the company hopes that they will behave _____ a responsible manner. 

       A) are asked to not; for                                  B) are asked not to; in

       C) are allowed to not; for                               D) are not allowed to; in

17.  In addition to being pretty, Beth is one of the top three students in my class, and a lot of students like to make friends with her.   It is said that she is _____ the most popular student.   (M)

       A) viewed                   B) considered              C) regarded                   D) perceived                           

       E) seen                       F) supposed to be        G) deemed                     H) looked upon as

       (I) taken as

18.   Choose the wrong one. 

       A) In Taipei, there are many large restaurants where customers will be served to a lot of nice foods.  

       B) A lot of large restaurants have a number of nice foods which you can be served.

       C) This Japanese restaurant can serve delicious sushi to you. .

       D) Usually, large hotels will serve breakfast until 10:00 am.

19.   The old woman’s son hadn’t come back home to see her since he went abroad for his further study.  She looked forward to seeing him _____ even until she died last winter.    (M)

       A) at times                B) all the time              C) of all time              D) at all times

20. There was once a famous painter who took money matters _____ and criticisms of his works _____.    

       A) severely; carefully                                     B) carefully; relevantly 

       C) seriously; personally                                   D) personally; ignorantly

21.  Choose the correct one. 

       A) We should be aware of cultures varying from one country to the other county.

       B) We should be aware that cultures may vary from country to country.

       C) We should beware that cultures may vary from country to country.   

       D) We should beware of cultures which may vary from one country to one country.

22.  _____ hanging out with her friends, Mandy stayed at home doing her assignment because it dawned on her that she needed to finish her book report due next Tuesday.   (M)  (選錯的)

       A) Instead                 B) Instead of              C) Rather than             D) In preference of

       E) In lieu

23.  Rarely are people familiar _____ the history and culture of the Inuit. 

= The history and culture of the Inuit is familiar _____ few people.     

       A) are people familiar with; to                   B) people are familiar with; to

       C) are people familiar to; with                   D) people are familiar with; with



        There are some __1__ on Chinese funeral, you’d better not __2__ theses __3__.  Firstly, “Do not say thank you.”  Chinese believe that there is nothing to thank about in things __4__ deaths, and the family members of the dead person will say “Yo Xin” (you’re very considerate) __5__ thanking you when you give them your “diàn yí (white envelope).  Secondly, “Do not look at the coffin when they are closing it.”  When the undertaker is closing the coffin at a Chinese funeral, the people will be instructed not to look at the coffin.  It’s believed that if you look at the coffin while it is closing, the soul is unable to be __6__ sufferings.  Lastly, “Do not throw the sweet candy away.”  After the funeral, you must eat the sweet candy given to you before leaving for your house ___7 __ it is believed to symbolize a fresh beginning. __8__.  These customs vary from __9__.  We should avoid __10__, and should be respectful toward every culture.

1.  A) etiquette                 B) taboos                      C) manners                  D) host

2. A) violate                     B) to violate                 C) violating                  D) violated

3.  A) p’s and q’s               B) do’s and don’ts       C) ins and outs            D) bits and pieces

4. A) regards                    B) regarded                   C) regarding            D) to regard

5.  A) instead                   B) except                      C) rather                       D) instead of

6   A) filled up with         B) ended up                 C) stirred up                  D) free from

7.  A) even                        B) though                     C) as                             D) therefore

8.  A) In reality             B) As the matter of effect    C) Factly                  D) On truth

9.  A) one place to other      B) places to another    C) place to place      D) places to places

10.  A) taking it seriously      B) taking it lightly       C) taking it easy     D) taking it personally


1.  大部份學生不習慣做一些重大決定相反地他們期待老師或家長提供幫助



2.  台灣對別人比中指被認為是汙辱人的手勢最好不要做以免發生衝突



3.     要把Mike說的笑話嚴肅看待或是針對自己,那只是好玩。



翰林  高一 英文 U1    When in Rome, Eat Like a Roman    答案


1.  taboo                         2. dined                   3. effort                      4. tend  

5.  vary                            6. regard                  7. mindful                  8. Apparently               

9. ignorant                      10. research            11. abroad                   12. insult                                    

13. manners                    14. serve                  15. etiquette               16. embarrassment         

17. leftovers                    18. awareness          19. hosted                    


1. D                                2. C                             3. B                             4. BD

5. A                               6. B                             7. C                             8. B

9. C                               10. CD                        11. B                           12. A

13. C                              14. BD                         15. D                          16. B

17. BDFGHI                  18. A                           19. BD                         20. C

21. B                              22. AE                        23. A                                                                          


1. B                                2. A                            3. B                             4. C

5. D                               6. D                             7. C                             8. A

9. C                               10. B


1.  Most students are not used to making some important decisions; instead, they expect teachers or parents to give them help.


2. Pointing your middle finger at someone is regarded as an insulting gesture in Taiwan. To avoid trouble, you’d better not try so.


3.  Don’t take the joke told by Mike seriously or personally.  It’s just for fun.


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