高一下英文翰林版  G10   Unit 2  The Power of the Priming Effect    (附答案)  Q


1.  The temperature will drop this weekend under the i_____e of the northeast monsoon.

2. The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. t_____red a wave of rioting in the U.S.A. in 1968.

3.  Potatoes turn green, bitter and toxic when they’re e_____sed to light. Therefore, they should be cut all green portions away.

4. The living e_____t of refugees is extremely tough, which leads to death rates increasing.

5.  He is taught by his strict soldier father that tears must not be allowed to fill his eyes and under no c_____ces run down his cheek.

6.  The Japanese restaurant is famous for its sashimi because the chef is p_____r about fresh raw fish.

7.  On the way home, Stella is a____e of a tall dark figure tailing her.  She runs away immediately.

8. We can't get into the house because the key has gone m_____g again.  No one knows where it is.

9.   Firefighters came to rescue our burning house. The police said that the p_____e cause of the fire was faulty wiring.

10.  The doctor s_____ted the patient stay home for a few days to recover from the surgery.

11.   Google is a big technology company, which owns more than a hundred thousand s_____f members.

12.  Our boss f_____ned upon our project proposal because it lacked ideas and creativity.

13.   Government troops have f_____ced the rebels to surrender by releasing toxic gases.

14.  It’s unfair to jump to the c_____n without sufficient evidence.  It may result in more misunderstanding.

15.   The spy s_____ted the general transacting with the enemy’s arms trafficking.

16.   There are a lot of p_____ts in this seminar, and most of them are from the IC industry.

17.   According the s_____y conducted by a government agency, most of car drivers in Taipei are willing to take the MRT on weekdays. 

18.   Based on a study done in Taiwan, most c_____rs are likely to buy either a number of goods or more expensive goods one or two weeks before Chinese Lunar Year.  .

19.   Everybody knows there was about 10 to 15 percent rise in r_____l prices for all food one month before the end of year 2021.  The inflation is going up.


1.  At present, the COVID-19 _____ continue for a few months.

     A) likes                   B) is like                C) is likely to                D) likely to

2. The issue will be resolved _____ a manner that is fair to both sides.

      A) in                     B) without             C) with                          D) through

3.  If you don’t stop playing video games and start to study, you’ll end up _____.

     A) regret               B) regretted            C) regretting                D) to regret

4. She can’t cope with the problem well so everything is now_____.

     A) in control of           B) beyond control       C) under control        D) with control

5.  The manager is so busy that he spends the day rushing from one meeting to _____.

     A) the other                 B) another                    C) other                        D) others

6. My laptop is broken. I gave it to the computer store yesterday so it _____ by their engineers now.

     A) was fixed                 B) will be fixed              C) is fixing                    D) is being fixed

7.  _____ is estimated _____ the global population will reach 8.5 billion in 2030.

     A) That, which             B) Which, that             C) It, which                   D) It, that

8.  Katy doesn’t want to keep a pet, and ______.

     A) and so doesn’t her sister                               B) and neither does her sister

     C) and her sister does either                              D) and nor does her sister

9.  Choose the correct one

     A) Going camping is the way on which urban people refresh themselves. 

     B) Surfing the Web is the fastest way that people search for new information nowadays.   

     C) Playing basketball and joining clubs is alternative way to make acquaintance with new friends.

      D) The way how to take care of a baby is too difficult for me.   

10.  Choose the correct ones   (3)

      A) Most people find the movie, “Wonder, is an inspiring work.   

      B)  It’s dangerous to keep the heater worked all night.   

      C)  Dan is worried because he left the door unlocked before heading to another city.

      D)  Our teacher always makes us memorize English words so long as we’re available.

      E)  Don’t chase stray dogs as this might cause them to run after you.

11.   Choose the correct ones   (3)

      A) I wonder how does he know that the key was stolen by Jim.

      B)  I wonder how he knows that we skipped class.

      C)  Do you know what is that on the table?

      D) Do you know what on the table is?

      E)  Nobody cares who the boss hired.

12.   Choose the wrong one   (2)

      A) At the gate has a stranger wandering around our bicycles. 

      B)  At the corner sits a dirty and frightened boy.

      C)  Here comes it after waiting for a long time.    

      D)  After the poor little girl woke up, in her hand was a small toy.

      E)  Under the bright sunshine he stands.

13.   Choose the wrong one

      A) We have a tendency to believing those with warm smiles and attractive appearances.

      B)  Without any firm evidence, I won’t admit anything that I haven’t done.

      C)  The honeydew advertised in the supermarket has raised lots of attention recently.

      D)  The hardworking girl stood reading a novel at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

14.  Choose the wrong ones   (7)

      A) At home she stayed. 

      B)  At home stayed she. 

      C)  At the top of the hill stands a small temple. 

      D)  At the top of the hill a small temple stands. 

      E)  At the top of the hill a small temple is.   

      F)  At the door the man stands.

      G) At the door stands the man.

      H) At the door did a man stand. 

      I)   At the door the man didn’t stand. 

      J)   Not at the door did the man stand. 

      K)  Not at the door the man did stand. 

      L)  In Tokyo James Kuroshima lives

       M) In the U.S. lives James Yang. 

15.   Choose the wrong ones   (3)

      A) Sleeping in my bedroom now is Freda. 

      B)  In my bedroom is sleeping Freda. 

      C)  At my place he is watching TV.  

      D)  Watching TV at my place is he. 

      E)  In a corner the old toy was hidden. 

      F)  Hidden in a corner was the old toy. 

      G) In a corner was the old toy hidden. 

16.   Having plenty of sugar-sweetened beverages frequently will not only make people chubby but _____ burden and danger _____ their body as well as health, which means it _____ them _____ various health problems in the end.  (M)

       A) poses…to; leads…into                          B) poses…to; exposes…to      

       C) exposes…to; imposes…on                      D) imposes…on; exposes…into                                                      

       E) imposes …on; leads…into                      F) exposes…to; leads…to

17.   Due to today’s field trip, on the early morning, Mom prepared me a delicious lunch, a big sandwich which I was _____ fond of.  Because it was _____ made, I would like to share it with my best friend, Samuel.

       A) especially; especially                                   B) especially; specially

       C) specially; especially                                     D) specially; specially

18.   In the wake of a large, violent, volcanic eruption in Tonga on Jan 15, 2022, it might _____ a tsunami along the Pacific coast.  (選錯的)

       A) set off                   B) cause                        C) give rise in               D) trigger

19.   It is said that a famous movie star’s love affair will be _____ in a tabloid magazine in the coming week.  (選錯的)

       A) unveiled               B) revealed                   C) exposed                   D) primed

20. What Ronald couldn’t bear was that his girlfriend was _____ about his clothes, which made him break up with her recently.  (選錯的)

       A) critical                  B) fussy                         C) picky                        D) particular

21.  Since January 2022, there has been a lot of news about an impending war between Ukraine and Russia.  Some think it is _____ to happen soon, while others don’t think it is _____ to break out.  

       A) probable; possible                                              B) likely; possible                  

       C) possible; probable                                       D) likely, probable

22.  Choose the wrong ones.    (M) 

       A) Cathy together with her parents go hiking every morning.  

       B) Neither Pamela nor her classmates fail to tell the truth.

       C) Either Nick’s sisters or his mom doesn’t want to go shopping.

       D) Neil as well as his twin sisters go hiking every Sunday morning.    

       E) Not only AI but also his twin sisters doesn’t like to eat guavas     

23.  The reason why Maggie got mad was _____ Alex spoke ill of her.  In addition, ____ his rude behavior, Maggie and other students didn’t want to talk to him anymore.   

       A) because of; due to                                    B) due to; thanks to     

       C) owing to; due to                                       D) thanks to; owing to

24.  Choose the wrong one.     

       A) Whatever you do or say, it is not my business.

       B) Whatever you do or say doesn’t matter to me.

       C) I don’t care about whatever you do or say.

       D) No matter what you do or say is not my business.

       E) No matter what you do or say, it is not my business.

25.  Choose the wrong one.     

       A) There will be traffic jams everywhere, so I suggest that you walk home.

       B) After knowing Sue has financial problem, Rosa suggests giving her a hand.

       C) There will be traffic jams everywhere, so I suggest you walk home.

       D) Finally, Mary suggests to her son that he should take the offer from Apple Inc.

       E) We can’t solve a math question, so Tom suggests to us an effective way to solve it.

       F) We suggested him to take speedy train to attend the wedding in Kaohsiung in time.

       G) With the ability of leadership, Brian is suggested for the class leader.

26.  We are required to wash our hands frequently and always wear masks when we go outside _____ the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 has been raging on all over the world.  (M)

       A) since                      B) in that                      C) seeing that               D) now that

27.  The population of Taipei is 8 times as large as _____ of Hsinchu.  (M)  

       A) it                           B) that                          C) the one                    D) the population


      Priming is a technique whereby __1__ to one stimuli influences a response to a subsequent stimuli, __2__ conscious guidance or intention.  For example, the word nurse is recognized more quickly following the word doctor than following the word bread.  People have a tendency to __3__ the relating topic, __4__ is called positive priming.  What’s more, the term negative priming exists __5__.  It is caused by experiencing the stimuli and then ignoring it. __6__ the example, if you try to pick a red pen from a pen holder, you’ll only __7__ the red color and ignore other color pens.  After it, if you are told to have a blue pen from the same holder, it’ll take longer time.  __8__ the scientists have __9__ this psychological effect.  Perhaps, further research exploring both these models may help to better understand the role of each priming in attention, memory and cognition. 


1.  A) tend                         B) exposure                  C) encourage               D) change

2. A) without                   B) with                          C) while                       D) through

3.  A) heard of                  B) make of                   C) think of                   D) fond of

4. A) which                       B) that                          C) on which                 D) what

5.  A) in particular            B) in common             C) as so                         D) as well

6.  A) Here are                  B) Here is                      C) There are                 D) There is

7.  A) center in                  B) spot on                    C) focus on                  D) end up

8.  A) Recently                  B) Rarely                       C) Particularly              D) Probably

9.  A) experienced of        B) expired with             C) exceled in                 D) experimented with


1.  不是你就是我要去拜訪住在山裡的舅公,因為不能沒人顧家。


2. 如同俗諺所說: Don’t let yesterday use up too much today.,意思是鼓勵人們使自己改變成自己喜歡的樣子。



翰林  高一 英文 U2    The Power of the Priming Effect    答案


1.  influence                   2. triggered              3. exposed                  4. environment  

5.  circumstances            6. particular             7. aware                      8. missing                     

9. probable                     10. suggested          11. staff                        12. frowned                    

13. forced                       14. conclusion         15. spotted                  16. participants                

17. survey                       18. consumers         19. retail                     


1. C                                2. A                            3. C                             4. B

5. B                                6. D                             7. D                             8. B

9. B                                10. CDE                     11. BDE                        12. AC

13. A                             14. BEHIKLM             15. BDG                      16. ABE

17. B                              18. C                           19. D                           20. A

21. B                              22. ADE                     23. B                           24. D

25. F                             26. ABCD                   27. BD                                                                                                           


1. B                                2. A                            3. C                             4. A

5. D                               6. B                             7. C                             8. A

9. D                              


1.  Either you or I want/need to go visiting our granduncle living in the mountain because we can’t leave no one staying home.    


2. As the saying goes, ”Don’t let yesterday use up too much today.” It encourages people to make themselves change into the way they like.


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