英文大考常考題 – 2
According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), nearly 200 rhinos were killed in South Africa in the first half of last year, most of ________ were killed in Kruger, one of South Africa’s top tourist draws.
(A) them (B) that (C) which (D) what
這題答案是 (C)。 (康熹文化英文學測滿級大作戰模擬試題)
1. 二個子句連結在一起一定要有連接詞,所以[ most of _____ ]空白的地方一定是與連接詞有關的字。[ them ]是人稱代名詞,[ that ]與[ which ]是關係代名詞,[ what ]是複合關係代名詞。我們知道關係代名詞具有連接詞的作用,但關係代名詞[ that ]前面不能有介系詞,而[ what ]是具有先行詞的關係代名詞[ thing(s) which ],所以只有[ which ]符合條件。假若要用[ them ],就要使用[ … last year, and most of them were killed in Kruger … ]。
2. [ top tourist draws ]中的[ draws ] – 我們都知道[ draw ]是常用字,它的意思是「動詞:畫、拉、吸引、抽籤,名詞:平手、抽籤」,但它有另外一個意思是「吸引人的事物」,這裡就是使用這個意思。