英文大考常考題 – 3
Another expert, Dr. Amen points out the emotional centers in women’s brains are larger and more active than ________ in men’s.
(A) that (B) what (C) those (D) one
這題答案是 (C)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二高雄女中試題)
1. 當在做比較的時候,若比較的事物是相同類型,可以用指示代名詞[ that ]或[ those ]代替前面提過的事物。[ that ]代表單數,[ those ]代表複數。所以原來的句子也可以寫成:
Another expert, Dr. Amen points out the emotional centers in women’s brains are larger and more active than the emotional centers in men’s.
1) The population of Taipei is ten times as large as that of Hsichu.
2) The fancy cars Jason has are as many as those his brother has.
3) The answers provided by Lilian are much more accurate than those provided by her sister.