英文大考常考題 – 6
Of the three poems we have read, I am most impressed with how she associates hope with a bird that perches in our soul. Hope gives wings to our soul and helps us ________ the storms of difficulty and crisis. It also brings warmth when we are caught up in the strongest gales and strangest sea.
(A) weather (B) weathering (C) weathered (D) weathers
這題答案是 (A)。 (龍騰文化英文月考王4 綜合測驗台南一中試題)
1. 首先記住下列句型
help + 受詞 + 動詞原形或不定詞
2. 常用字[ weather ],我們都知道是「氣候」的意思,但它亦有另外一個意思「平安度過」。這裡就是「平安度過」的意思。