英文大考常考題 – 12 [ that引導的子句 ]
A superstition is a false belief, in no way based on facts but growing out of fear, ________ one event leads to or prevents another when the two are actually unrelated. For example, a dog’s howling in the middle of the night will most likely gives us the creeps …
(A) what (B) which (C) that (D) whether
這題答案是 (C)。 (翰林出版全國高中月考期考試題挖挖哇英文二台中一中試題 p.65)
1. 首先可以把[ in no way based on facts but growing out of fear ]拿開,因為它是插入而且是經過省略的關係子句。乍看之下,[ a false belief ]是先行詞,所以[ which ]與[ that ]都有可能是要尋找的答案。假如是關係代名詞[ that ],它的前面不能是[ , ],那答案就是[ which ]了。但是[ which ]之後引導的關係子句,已經有主詞與受詞。然而我們知道關係代名詞在關係子句裡,不是當主詞,就是當受詞,所以要尋找的答案不是關係代名詞[ which ],而是名詞子句的[ that ]。而這個名詞子句是[ a false belief ]的同位語。