英文大考常考題 - 31  [ because, for ]



… Besides, after getting through many difficulties in taking care of her baby, a mother might not be so young and beautiful as before. However, ________ she is rewarded with something more precious, she thinks it is worth it. …


(A) until                  (B) for                  (C) because             (D) though



這題答案是 (C) (龍騰文化英文月考王4 樹林高中試題 p.94)


這題的重點是連接詞[ because ] or [ for }的用法

1.   答案似乎應該是[ 因為 ],但乍看之下,答案不可能是[ because ][ for ],因為這二個答案的意思都是[ 因為 ]。根據消去法,這樣的答案要刪除。但是,不要忘記,連接詞[ for ]不能置於句首,只能置於二個子句中間。其他[ 因為 ]的連接詞[ because, since, as ],可以置於句首,也可以置於二個子句中間。所以答案是[ because ]




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