That all drivers are required to follow traffic regulations is necessary.
句子的主詞: that all drivers are required to follow traffic regulations (名詞子句)
句子的動詞: is 句子的補語: necessary
句型種類 – A It + be + 形容詞 + 名詞子句
形容詞: amazing, astonishing, surprising, exciting, annoying, …
certain, critical, essential, important, likely, necessary, probable, possible, true, vital, adv + sure, …
1. It is essential that every student should enjoy the same quality of education in school. 每位學生在學校應該享有相同品質的教育。
2. It is one hundred percent certain that he will come here.
It is one hundred percent sure that he will come here.
3. It is worthwhile what I did now. 現在我所做是值得的。
4. It is not certain whether he will show up or not.
It is not sure whether he will show up or not. 不確定他會不會出現。
5. It is likely that my parents will give me financial support.
6. It is probable that Wallace will give us a reply tomorrow.
7. It is possible that Irene will come with us to see Mike.
8. It is annoying that the twins keep talking in my room.
句型種類 – B It + be + 動詞(p.p.) + 名詞子句
動詞(p.p.): advise, believe, instruct, know, predict, realize, report, rumor,
say, teach, tell, think, understand,
1. It has been told many times who is our boss.
2. It has been told twice when we have the company meeting.
It has been informed twice when we have the company meeting.
3. It was instructed where we would have our group meeting.
4. It is advised that we are required to reach a conclusion first.
5. It is known to the public that Mr. Kuo is the richest billionaire in Taiwan.
6. It is said that Mr. Wang runs many companies in Europe.
7. It has been taught by our teachers how to solve algebra problems.
8. It is believed/thought/predicted/reported/rumored that …
句型種類 – C It + seem/appear + (形容詞) + 名詞子句
1. It appears that she is at home now.
2. It appears extremely necessary that people need to have a balanced diet.
3. It seems that Mandy is still angry at me.
4. It seems important that high school students need to have adequate sleeping.
句型種類 – D It + be + no + 名詞 + 名詞子句/動名詞片語
名詞: accident, coincidence, surprise, secret, surprise, use, wonder,
1. It is no wonder that you were late to work this morning.
2. It is no surprise that he show up in the meeting.
3. It is no use saying that you’ll win the game.
4. It's no use crying over spilt milk.
5. It is no use saying such a thing.
句型種類 – E It + be + 形容詞 + 不定詞片語
形容詞: amazing, astonishing, surprising, exciting, annoying, …
certain, critical, essential, important, necessary, possible, true, vital, adv + sure, …
1. It is necessary to let our parents know where we are.
2. It is important to have our project implemented.
3. It is vital for the project team to have more manpower.
4. It is amazing to have such a magic show.
5. It is possible for her to give you a call.
6. It is kind of you to do me a favor. I
句型種類 – F It + takes/costs + sb + time/money + 不定詞片語
1. It cost us $500 to buy two magazines.
2. It’ll take us months to travel around the world.
3. It took me 3 three days to finish my book report.
句型種類 – FA It + 動詞 + … + 名詞子句
1. It makes no difference to us whether Sally will join us to see the movie tonight.
2. It makes a slight difference to Mary who will go with her to do some shopping.
3. It makes a big difference to the meeting if(whether) Holly, our VP, doesn’t participate in our discussion.
4. It matters to your parents whom you want to get married to.
5. It matters (to her) what the gift from her boyfriend is.
6. It counts what the thought is behind the gift.
7. It has bothered Brian for weeks which university he’s going to.
句型種類 – G There + be + no + 名詞 + 名詞子句
名詞: doubt, reason, use, knowing, denying, point, question, need, choice
1. There is no doubt that the rich people live a comfortable life.
2. There is no reason that we can’t help him out by lending him some money.
1富人過著舒適的生活是毋庸置疑。 2沒有理由我們不借他一些錢幫助他。
3. There is no reason why we shouldn’t give her a hand.
4. There is no doubt that the economy won’t recover soon.
5. There is no denying that you are my best friend.
6. There is no question when we should start our project.
7. There is no knowing where Gilbert wants to go.
8. There is no point why Sam is here.
句型種類 – H There + … +be + 名詞
1. There is a cup of milk on the table. .
2. There is going to be a party this Friday evening.
3. If you keep smoking, there has to be a health problem on you in the coming future.