英文大考常考題 – 66 ( 受詞補語 )
... Most black holes are unseen but astronomers infer their presence by observing objects surrounding or passing them. Snared by the black hole's gravity, matters nearby swirl faster, looking like a form of a whirlpool. A star passing by is often discovered torn apart as it is drawn by a certain power, in the process of __X___ the star accelerates its passing speed in order to get rid of the effect of that power. The growth of a new star near a black hole is also found _____ it - some are spurred while some are blocked. Now, with certain equipment astronomers have made sure that these holes give off X-rays and extreme heat. In short, the power of black holes is beyond imagination.
(A) influences (B) influenced (C) influencing (D) influenced by
這題答案是 (D)。 (翰林 學測大模王 p. 25)
這題的重點是[ 受詞補語 ]:
1. [ The growth of a new star near a black hole is also found _____ it ],這個句子的[it]是指[ the effect of that power ]。它是被動態的句子,可以將它改寫成主動態的句子 -
We(The astronomers) find the growth of a new star near a black hole ____ it.
find + 受詞 + 受詞補語
因為[ the growth of a new star near a black hole ]是被[ the effect of that power ]影響,所以受詞補語是被動態[ p.p + by ]。
所以主動態的句子 -
We(The astronomers) find the growth of a new star near a black hole influenced by it.