學測指考英文寫作 – My Motto 我的座右銘
[ 學生原作 ]
My Motto (by 7th grader)
Julie – the 7th grader
When people ask what my motto is, I would reply without hesitation “What you sow is what you reap,” for sure. The reason why I choose it as my motto is because it will remind me to do my best on everything and not to be lazy. It has really helped me to get better academic performance since I adopted it when I was a fifth grader.
When I was sixth grader, I passed a qualification exam to become a member of a study group in which every member can take some advanced courses in science every week. Some people may think it was my good luck that gave me the chance to study at my dream junior high school, but in fact, the most important part to achieve my goal was the time and effort I have spent studying biology, chemistry, and physical. In order to pass the exam, reading books about science, previewing what which our teacher hadn’t taught us, and reviewing everything I had learned before were what I did during my free time.
Finally, I make it, and it proved that whether you become successful depends on how much you invest in yourself. There isn’t any goal you can reach if you don’t do something that can make you equipped with knowledge.
Just like Thomas Edison had gone through a lot of time and experiment before the light bubble was invented.
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My Motto (by 7th grader)
Julie – the 7th grader
When people ask me what my motto is, I would reply without hesitation, “What I sow is what I reap,” for sure. The reason why I choose it as my motto is because it will remind me to do my level best on everything and not to be lazy. It has really helped me to get better academic performance since I adopted it when I was a fifth grader.
When I was a sixth grader, I passed a qualification exam, conducted by a junior high school, to become a member of a study group in which every member can take some advanced courses in science every week. Some people might think it was my good luck that gave me the chance to study at my dream junior high school, but in fact, the most important part to achieve my goal was the time and effort I had spent studying biology, chemistry, and physics. In order to pass the exam, reading books about science, previewing what our teacher hadn’t taught us in class, and reviewing everything I had learned before were what I did during my free time.
Finally, I made it, and it proved that whether you are able to become successful depends on how much you invest in yourself. There won’t be any goal you can reach if you don’t do something that can make you equipped with knowledge and intelligence. Just like Thomas Edison, he had spent a lot of time and effort and gone through many experiments before the light bulb was invented. “What I sow is what I reap” can be my motto in my entire life and I’m sure that I can benefit a lot from putting my motto into practice.
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