英文寫作 – When I Was Alone


[ 學生原作 ]

When I Was Alone

Kevin Huang – the eleventh grader


Everyone has some experiences of alone, some of them are very happy because they can do everything they want while others are very lonely that nobody can play with them.


Last weekend, my parents told me that they went to Taipei to visit their friends. During that time, they asked me to stay at home until 6 in the evening. As soon as they left, I felt so relax that I wanted to play all the time. I played computer, watched TV and so on, what a great time. Even though the time of alone was long, still, it would be ended, when I heard the door lock was unlocked, I stopped playing computer immediately and welcomed them. For me, I was alone, but not lonely.



[ 修改後 ]

When I Was Alone

Kevin Huang – the eleventh grader


Many people have experiences of being alone. Some are very happy to be alone because they can do a lot of things they want to while others are very lonely because they have nobody to play with.


Last Saturday, my parents told me that they would like to visit their friends in Taipei the next day. Before they headed for Taipei, they asked me to stay at home until 6 in the evening. As soon as they left, I felt so free that I could do as many things as I could without their nagging behind. I played computer games, watched TV and so on. What a great time I had. It ended when I heard someone opening the door. I stopped playing immediately and welcomed their coming back. Although the time of being alone was not quite long, I was glad that I could have such a luxurious time to enjoy myself.  To me, being alone is not being lonely.



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